Welcome to Ministry of Grace


Hi, Welcome to Ministry of Grace. Our passion is to study and teach God’s Holy Word, the Bible. On these pages you will find resources to help you study the Bible on your own. We are adding content weekly from our Sunday morning sermons.

Will is currently preaching a series on the book of 2nd Peter. As each sermon is completed, it will be posted on the “2nd Peter” page. These sermons are also available via YouTube videos. 

Latest sermon video is here.

Are You Rapture Ready?


The rapture of the church is when Jesus will come to the atmosphere of the earth and “snatch away” or “rapture” all believers from the earth. It will include all those believers who have died in the faith, as well as all those believers who are alive at the time. We will all have our earthly bodies changed into heavenly (incorruptible) bodies. Immediately after the rapture (or as part of the process) we will appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ (also called the Bema Seat Judgment), where we will receive rewards for the works that we have done for God’s glory while on this earth. For a more detailed discussion of the rapture event, see the study on this site under “Bible Studies/Revelation.” There you will find ancillary studies that help understand the Revelation, including a study on the Rapture. This complete study is available as a downloadable PDF file.

The Rapture is the next event on the eschatological (end times) calendar that precedes the seven-year Tribulation (also called Daniel’s seventieth week). However, after the Rapture, and before the Tribulation, there will be a battle against Israel known as “the Ezekiel War” or “The War of Gog and Magog.” On these pages you will find a study of this battle (it’s not really a war, just a battle that will be over almost before it begins). To go straight to this study CLICK HERE.

Are you ready?

Will published the first version of this book a couple of years ago called “Revelation – A Complete Study.” He has recently updated every chapter in the book and republished it under the name “Revelation – What’s This World Coming To?” has been working on this in depth Bible study on the book of Revelation for more than 13 years. It is now available in both Kindle and paperback versions.

Read some of the reviews for the Revelation book here.

For more information on our Revelation study and to download study material, click on the image on the left. This book is available in both kindle format ($9.95) and paperback.($15.95).

This same material is available for free as individual downloads. Simply click on “Revelation” in the top menu.

Many of our past posts have been collected into books which are available on Amazon. These books include: James, Ephesians, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, and Romans (3 books). Other books are on the way. Click on the image to the left to see these books.

These books are designed to be read daily as both a devotional and a way to study completely through books of the New Testament withoug making the study too difficult.