
Cover Art Kindle - Abraham - Coming Soon

Our latest book is a detailed study of the life of Abraham. This page contains resources for our Bible Study Series on Abraham. All the documents below are downloadable as Portable Document Format (PDF) files. Simply click on the topic you want to download and a separate window will open up with the PDF document you requested.

Will has been working on this book for about 6 months now. This is a study of the life of Abraham, which is a type (a pattern) of the Christian life. By studying Abraham’s walk with God, we can see what our relationship with our Father should be like. From the original call, to his stumbling faith steps, to his growth in faith, to his receiving of the promises  and a close fellowship with his heavenly father. Oh, that we could be like father Abraham!

Abraham Study Lessons

Lesson 1

The Call of Abraham

Matthew 3

Genesis 12:1-9

Lesson 2

Side Trip to Egypt

Matthew 3

Genesis 12:10-20

Lesson 3

A Parting of Ways

Matthew 3

Genesis 13:1-18

Lesson 4

A Nighttime Rescue and a Tenth

Matthew 3

Genesis 14:1-4

Lesson 5

The Faithful Promise

Matthew 3

Genesis 15:1-21

Lesson 6

Giving God a Little Help

Matthew 3

Genesis 16:1-6

Lesson 7

Humble, Joyous Obedience

Matthew 3

Genesis 17:1-27

Lesson 8

Negotiating with God?

Matthew 3

Genesis 18:1-33

Lesson 9

The Wrath of God

Matthew 3

Genesis 19:1-38

Lesson 10

This Schemer is a Prophet

Matthew 3

Genesis 20:1-18

Lesson 11

Difficult Decision

Matthew 3

Genesis 21:1-34

Lesson 12

A Typical Sacrifice

Matthew 3

Genesis 22:1-24

Lesson 13

A Real Estate Transaction

Matthew 3

Genesis 23:1-20