Category: Galatians 4

Galatians 4:1 – Infants and Slaves

Ministry of Grace



Galatians 4:1

1Now I say that the heir, as long as he is a child, does not differ at all from a slave, though he is master of all,

Truth to Learn

As spiritual infants those who keep the law are simply performing ritualistic practices that can not result in an inheritance. Though they may have mastery of all that the law requires, they are spiritually no better than common slaves.

Behind the Words

The Greek word translated “child” is “nēpios” which is made up of “” meaning not and a form of “epos” meaning word. Hence this word refers to one who is not yet saying words. This person is an infant who is totally dependent on others for his life and livelihood.

master” is translated from the Greek word “kurios” which means might or power. It is used in the New Testament to signify a master or a lord or an owner.

We looked at the word “slave” a few verses back. It refers to one who is in a permanent relation of servitude to another. He is the property of his lord or master.


In the previous chapter Paul showed us that the purpose of the Law of Moses was to guard us (keep watch over us) as a constant reminder of our sinfulness and need for a savior. It also acted as our tutor or pedagogue to lead us to the truth about salvation through the coming Messiah. But, as Paul told us, after we came to faith in Jesus Christ we no longer needed a guard or a tutor. And, since we now belong to Christ we are part of the promised seed of Abraham and we are now eligible to receive the inheritance of the father which was promised to Abraham and his seed.

Meaning Explained

To illustrate what he had said of the law’s being a schoolmaster until the coming of Christ, Paul proposes the case of an heir during his minority, till he comes to the proper time of enjoying his estate. He is making the point that a child, even though he will eventually inherit all that belongs to his father, currently has no rights. In that sense he is really no different than a slave who is owned by his father. He has a different relation to his father in that he receives the love of his father and is preferred above all others by his father, but legally he can not inherit his father’s estate until he reaches the age of maturity.

The ceremonies and rituals of Judaism were designed for those who did not know God as He is revealed in Christ. Those under the law were infants in relation to the father. The law was full of shadows and pictures, appealing to the spiritual senses through physical and external actions which only produced a temporal position with God. Faith in Christ, on the other hand, is spiritual, internal, and permanent. As Christians we are of age and eligible to inherit all that has been promised to us.


You, as a son or daughter of God through faith in Jesus Christ, will one day inherit all that the Father has promised to you.

Are you living like a slave or an heir?

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2007 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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