Romans 1:20 – Created Evidence

Romans 1:20

For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse,

Truth to Learn

God reveals much about Himself in His created world.

Behind the Words

The word in today’s verse translated “invisible” is from the Greek word ahoratos, which is a compound word made up of a, implying negation, and a form of horaō, which means “to see” or “to behold.” Hence, ahoratos means that which is unseen, or invisible.

The words “clearly seen” are from the Greek, kathoratō, which is a compound word made up of kata meaning “down” (as in this case, it is often used for intensity) and a form of horaō, which we just learned means “to see.” So kathoratō could mean “to look down upon” but more accurately means “to see distinctly or clearly.”

Understood” is translated from noieō, a form of nous, meaning “the mind.” Noieō implies an exercise of the mind. That is, it means “to comprehend or understand.”

Meaning Explained

Paul now explains what he meant in the previous verse when he said, “because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them.” It has already been pointed out that not all things about God are apparent or even knowable by the finite minds of humans. However, there are things about God which are knowable even though they are not visibly apparent.

“But,” you may ask, “what are these invisible things?” Paul answers that question in the latter part of today’s verse, “His eternal power and Godhead (Godness or Divinity).” Mankind understands the fact that God is who He says He is and understands His immeasurable power because they can be seen in creation. Paul says that these things are “clearly seen” and “understood” by the created things (which includes mankind).

Let me say it again, God’s power and Godliness, though invisible, are clearly perceived and understood by His creatures by viewing all that God created. We cannot actually see God’s limitless power, but we can see the result of it in creation. We cannot see the Godness of God but we can see the effect of it in mankind himself. Anyone who has ever seen the birth of a child is confronted with the power and dominion of God and to deny it is to suppress the truth.

Therefore, Paul says, people who hold down the truth about God are without excuse! Much of the world today refuses to believe in the God of creation. Instead, they have a god they call evolution. Some day they will stand before the creator and He will be undeniable. I believe it takes more faith to believe that everything we see came into existence through a “scientific” process that cannot be seen, much less proven, than to believe that God created it.


The next time you gaze at a sunset, a mountain, a river, a beautiful flower, the starry sky on a clear night, or the miracle of conception and birth, be in awe. This is evidence of God, Himself! And, this God of creation wants to have a close personal relationship with you. Yes, even you!

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2009 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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