Galatians 1:8 – The True Gospel

Ministry of Grace Church

Galatians 1:8

But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed.

Truth to Learn

The gospel message does not change with time. It is the same message today that it was in the first century.

Behind the Words

The word translated “angel” is angelos which simply means ‘a messenger.’

The Greek word translated “accursed” is anathema. This is a noun taken from the verb anatithemi which means “to place or lay up.” It refers to a gift given by vow, in fulfillment of a promise, and given up or devoted to destruction for God’s sake. It is exemplified by a sacrificial animal that is offered up and killed before God. Hence, it becomes something that has been given over to destruction, and is, therefore, considered accursed.

Meaning Explained

Paul has just commented on the fact that the Galatians have strayed from the truth of the gospel of faith in Jesus Christ. The reason for their departure is that some members of the churches were teaching that salvation by faith was not enough. These false teachers were saying that Christians must keep the Law of Moses and the traditions of the Jewish faith if they want to be truly saved. These teachers were likely former Pharisees and Scribes of the Jewish faith who had been so indoctrinated in the ways of Judaism that they believed they must be carried over into Christianity.

In addition, these teachers were probably aware that Paul still observed some of the rites and traditions of Judaism. For instance, in Acts 21:18-26 Paul was persuaded to pay the offering for, and to be a partaker in, a vow that some of the Jewish Christians in Jerusalem had taken. This action is not forbidden in Christianity, but it certainly provided fodder for those who wanted to make Christianity a legalistic religion.

Paul cautions the believers in the Galatian churches not to be persuaded to corrupt the pure gospel of Christ no matter who it was that was teaching. He said, “But even if we,” meaning the Apostles, “or an angel from heaven” tried to teach them any other gospel, then the teacher was to be accursed. But Paul takes special note to point out that even if the message comes via a messenger from heaven we are to reject it if it does not completely agree with what Paul has already taught them.


These are strong words from Paul, but it shows the importance of not adding anything to the truth taught in the Word of God. There are some religions today claiming they have newer revelation than what we have in our Bible, revelation that they received from a special angel. Paul says that those who teach this type of heresy are accursed and we are not to be persuaded by them.

We need to study what Paul and the other apostles teach us so that we will know when someone tries to teach something different. If we know the truth, we can detect deception.

That’s something to think about!

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2007 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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