Romans 12:11 – The Impartial Judge

Romans 2:11

For there is no partiality with God.

Truth to Learn

God judges based on truth, not on appearance.

Behind the Words

Partiality” comes from the Greek word prosōpolepsia, which is made up of prosōpon, meaning “face” or literally, “that part of the face at or around the eyes,” and a form of lambanō, meaning “to receive.” So, literally it means that God is not a receiver of faces. By implication it means that He does not treat people differently simply based on personal characteristics.

Meaning Explained

Paul ended each of the previous two verses with the phrase, “to the Jew first and also to the Greek.” The reason for this expression is to remind the Christians in Rome, who are mostly converted Jews, that their heritage is not something to boast about. God will judge all people alike with one exception: those who rejected His offer of salvation will receive condemnation, and those who accepted His offer of salvation will receive mercy.

Why does He treat Jews and Gentiles alike? Paul tells us in today’s verse, “for there is no partiality with God.” Samuel the prophet was sent by God to anoint the next king of Israel. When he first saw the eldest son of Jesse, he was sure that this was the one God had chosen. God told him otherwise:

But Jehovah said to Samuel, Do not look on his face, nor on his height, because I have refused him. For He does not see as man sees. For man looks on the outward appearance, but Jehovah looks on the heart. (1 Samuel 16:7)

That’s exactly what Paul is saying in today’s verse. God will judge us all based on the righteousness that we possess no matter how hard we try to impress Him with our good works. We can go to Church every Sunday, read our Bibles, and pray daily. We can give to the poor and even work for a poor Christian organization and look at our low wage as “a ministry for God.” But if we are not declared as righteous in God’s Book of Life then we will be judged with all the other unrighteous ones at the Great White Throne judgment. If, on the other hand, we have recognized our sinfulness and we have humbled ourselves before God, accepting the blood of Christ as payment for our sins, then God declares us as righteous and we will not appear at the Great White Throne judgment. Instead, we will appear at the Bema Seat judgment where we will receive rewards for the good works we have done.

One final note: the works that we get rewarded for may not be the works that we expect to get rewarded for. Only those things which are done for Him, that is, to give Him glory, will be rewarded. These things that we do for ourselves (even if we claim that they are for Him) will not result in rewards. It’s sort of a catch-22. If we do any deed for the purpose of getting rewarded for it, we won’t get a reward for it. On the other hand, the selfless things that we do in obedience to God, strictly for His glory, because He is deserving, these are what will result in rewards.


If you want to bless God, then serve Him humbly and faithfully. If you want God to bless you, then serve Him humbly and faithfully.

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2009 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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