Romans 2:23 – Walk the Walk!

Romans 2:23

You who make your boast in the law, do you dishonor God through breaking the law?

Truth to Learn

Christianity is faith in action, not just good sounding words.

Behind the Words

The Greek word translated “boast” is kauchaomai. Some Greek Lexicons indicate that this is derived from auchen, meaning “a neck,” which boastful people hold in a proud manner. The verb kauchaomai means “to boast” used both in a good or bad sense.

Dishonor” is from atimadzō, which is a compound word made up of the privative a, implying negation or “without” and a form of timē, which means “honor.” Hence, the verb atimadzō means “to dishonor” or “to cause a loss of dignity.”

The word “breaking” is translated from parabasis. This is another compound word which is made up of para, meaning “beside” or “beyond” and a form of bainō, meaning “to go.” Hence, parabasis literally means “to go beyond” or “to transgress.” It expresses the sense of going beyond a limit that has been established by the law. This is different from the word hamartia, typically translated “sin,” which means “to miss the mark.” The difference is that a person can sin without being under an express command or law, but he or she can only transgress (or break) a specific law or set of commands.

Meaning Explained

Today’s verse is very clear and very simple. The Jewish Christians in Rome believed strongly in the Law and even boasted about having received it from God and of knowing it through God’s revelation. This was God honoring … in word! At the same time, by their disobedience of the Law they caused dishonor to God … in deed.

Even today it’s fairly easy to learn the language of the Christian faith and to talk the talk. I’m sure we have all met people who know all the right things to say at all the appropriate times. They can quote Scripture with ease and recite Biblical stories in excruciating detail. They are quick to demonstrate their knowledge with relevant facts and figures. In some cases they may even be teaching a Sunday school class, helping others learn the facts. The problem comes when these people do not demonstrate their knowledge by their actions. They don’t walk the walk. As a result, instead of being a shining example of Christianity in action, they are an embarrassment to those of us who know and love the Savior, and they dishonor the God they claim to serve.

The Apostle John, in teaching what true love is all about, warned us to love in deed, not just in word:

My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth. (1John 3:18)

It’s important to know what the Bible teaches, and it’s particularly refreshing when we meet someone who can make Biblical truths easily understandable. It’s even more important to be a living example of Christianity.


We who have been washed clean by the blood of Christ and who have the entire Bible at our disposal, give worship, praise, and honor to God … in word!

But, do we at the same time by our sinfulness, selfishness, and lack of faith dishonor the God we love … in deed?

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2009 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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