1 Peter 2:4 – A Precious Stone

1 Peter 2:4

Coming to Him as to a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious,

Truth to Learn

We have the great privilege of directly approaching our Lord.

Behind the Words

Coming” is translated from the Greek word proserchomai, made up of pros, meaning “to” or “toward,” and erchomai, meaning “to come” or “to go.” Adding pros to the verb, which already means “to come,” intensifies the intent. Hence, the meaning is “coming very near to Him.” This is further intensified by the words pros on (meaning “to Him”) which appear before proserchomai. Finally, this word is expressed as a present tense participle indicating continuous, repeated action. Hence, the first part of this verse could be paraphrased as, “Continually coming directly to Him …”

The word translated “disallowed” is the Greek word, apodokimadzo, which means “to disapprove” or “to reject.”

Chosen” is translated from eklektos, which means “the selected one,” or “the chosen one.”

The word “precious” is the Greek word entimos, made up of en, meaning “in” and a form of time, meaning “honor, esteem, or value.” It is used here to describe the chosen one; He is “the honored chosen one” or “the precious chosen one.”

Meaning Explained

The “Him” in this verse refers to “the Lord” in the previous verse. This is an obvious reference to Jesus our risen Lord. Those of us who have experienced salvation and God’s provision, repeatedly come to Him. He is referred to here as “a living stone,” which is a reference to Isaiah 28:16 which says:

Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious cornerstone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste

or possibly to Psalms 118:22 which says:

The stone which the builders rejected has become the headstone of the corner.”

Not only was Christ rejected and crucified by the Jews, but He continues to be rejected by unbelievers on a daily basis. This same stone who was rejected by men has been chosen by God, according to Peter. Furthermore, he tells us that He was selected as the Honored One.

This Christ, or Lord, unto whom we came at salvation and unto whom we come daily for forgiveness and spiritual sustenance, was chosen by the trinity before time began to be to one who would become a man, live a perfect life, and willingly give that life for us. He is the One who has become the foundation for the church universal, to be built upon by those who would accept His sacrifice and willingly serve Him. Peter’s next verse will complete this thought.


Think about how often you come to Christ for comfort or direction, either in prayer or through the reading of His Word. You do so because you have a privileged relationship. Because you have accepted the gift of salvation, you are the children of God; therefore, you can come to the living stone. And because of this you can offer yourself as an additional building block of the church universal when you submit to Him and serve Him.

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2008 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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