1 Peter 2:16 – Free to Submit

1 Peter 2:16

as free, yet not using liberty as a cloak for vice, but as bondservants of God.

Truth to Learn

We are free from the penalty of sin, but we are God’s servants.

Behind the Words

The word translated “free” is eleutheros, meaning “unrestrained” or “able to move about freely.” It is used primarily in reference to a person who is not a slave (not owned by anyone) but free to go where he pleases. It is expressed here in the nominative case, which ties it back to the word translated “submit” is verse 13.

Using” is translated from a form of echō, meaning “to possess” or “to hold.”

The word “cloak” is translated from epikaluma, which is made up of epi, meaning “on” or “over” and a form of kaluptō, meaning “to cover.” Hence, it means “that which covers over.”

Vice” is translated from kakia, which means “badness” or “that which is evil.”

The word “bondservants” is translated from doulos, which refers to “a slave, one who is in a permanent relation of servitude to another.”

Meaning Explained

Peter now touches briefly on a subject that was the root of one of the earliest heresies of the church and which is still misunderstood today. That heresy was called antinomianism, which literally means “no law-ism.” Some in the early church believed that since we have been set free from the penalty of sin, we can live however we want, since all of our sins have been forgiven. Because of the sacrifice of Christ, we are free from the law of commandments contained in ordinances and free from sin, this is true. Being free from sin does not mean that we are free from all laws (as Peter just pointed out) nor does it mean that we are free to sin.

To be a free man and not a slave (or servant) in the first century was a very privileged position. It meant, as the word eleotheros implies, that one was free to come and go as one pleased. Peter’s use of this word, however, is in reference to the bondage of the Law of Moses. Many of the early converts to Christianity were former Jews who were bound heavily by the Law and who have now been set free from that as well. Peter is warning that this freedom is not to be used as an excuse to do evil things.

According to Greek grammar, the word “free” (literally, free ones) is tied back to the word “submit” in verse thirteen. So, what Peter is telling his readers is that Christians are to voluntarily submit to the civil authorities even though we have freedom in Christ. We are not to use that freedom to resist authority or to do evil deeds. Instead, we are to do good deeds in submission to the authorities over us, because our freedom from the penalty of sin also means that we are permanent slaves of God.


Our Christian lives are not to be characterized by “being free to live like the Devil,” rather they are to be characterized by voluntarily subjecting (submitting) ourselves and our will to the one who purchased this freedom for us.

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2008 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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