1 Peter 2:22 – Silent Suffering

1 Peter 2:22

“Who committed no sin, nor was deceit found in His mouth”;

Truth to Learn

Jesus Christ is the perfect example of patient suffering.

Behind the Words

The word translated “sin” is hamartia, which literally means “to miss the mark.” In our case the mark is God-like perfection. Hence, we see that to sin means to do something that is not God-like.

Deceit” is translated from the Greek word dolos, which comes from an obsolete primary word dello, probably meaning “to decoy.” Some versions of the Bible translate this as “guile.”

Meaning Explained

Jesus Christ lived His entire life without sinning! He didn’t even “shade the truth,” as we sometimes do, so as to say one thing but make others think he was saying something else. He was completely open and honest without trickery of any kind.

And yet He was tortured unmercifully, treated like the commonest of criminals, condemned at three illegal Jewish trials without proper testimony against him, and declared innocent at two civil trials. In spite of being declared innocent, He was stripped of his dignity as well as his clothing; beaten with the dreaded scourge until his back was shredded and bleeding; kept overnight without sleep, food, or water; forced to carry the heavy instrument of his own torture; then hung in the hot sun under the agonizing torture of crucifixion. And, as if that wasn’t enough, the sins of all mankind were thrust upon him, and he was deserted by God the Father for three hours while he hung alone under the weight of our sins, having already prayed, “Father forgive them, for they don’t know what they’re doing.”

At his trial under Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor marveled at His lack of self defense:

And while He was being accused by the chief priests and elders, He answered nothing. Then Pilate said to Him, “Do You not hear how many things they testify against You?” But He answered him not one word, so that the governor marveled greatly. (Matthew 27:12-14)

He could have proclaimed His innocence, for He truly was. He could have struck out in fury with the very power of creation against those who were wrongfully torturing Him. He could have simply stepped down from the cross, proving the innocence that was His alone. Those who were present while Christ suffered for us even mocked Him, challenging Him to prove He is the Christ by coming down from the cross:

And those who passed by blasphemed Him, wagging their heads and saying, “You who destroy the temple and build it in three days, save Yourself! If You are the Son of God, come down from the cross.” (Matthew 27:39-40)

Instead, He suffered patiently, for you and for me.


Think of this the next time you are wrongfully accused, and accept it, knowing that this is pleasing with God. Do not attempt to glorify yourself; instead, glorify God by being silently obedient.

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2008 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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