Galatians 2:2 – Private Communication

Ministry of Grace Church

Galatians 2:2

And I went up by revelation, and communicated to them that gospel which I preach among the Gentiles, but privately to those who were of reputation, lest by any means I might run, or had run, in vain.

Truth to Learn

Sharing the truth in private is often more effective, even though you may not get public recognition for it.

Behind the Words

The Greek expression for “privatelyis kat idian, which literally translates as “with self.” Its root meaning is that of doing something individually with someone or doing it separate from the others. Therefore, we see Paul is telling us that he met separately with the leaders of the Jerusalem church.

Those of reputation” is translated from tois doxousin. The word tois is the personal pronoun “those” and doxousin is a form of the word dokeō, which means “to think, to imagine, or to appear.” This is an idiomatic expression meaning “those who appeared to be in charge” or “those who appeared to be the leaders.”

Meaning Explained

On the surface there seems to be a contradiction between this verse and Acts 15:2. Luke tells us in Acts that the members of the church at Antioch made the decision to send Paul and Barnabas, but Paul tells us here that it was by revelation that he was instructed to go. How do we reconcile these two? Apparently the leaders of the church at Antioch thought it was necessary for Paul and Barnabas to go up to Jerusalem but Paul must have had a personal revelation from God concerning this. Perhaps God instructed Paul to do this and, after communicating it to the church leaders in Antioch, the leaders there agreed making it an official action of the church. Or, perhaps the leaders of the church decided on this action and Paul later received a revelation from God confirming it. In either case both Paul’s and Luke’s account are truthful even though they state different facts.

Paul now tells us that he met privately with some of the leaders in Jerusalem. According to verse nine, this included the apostles Peter, James (the son of Alphaeus), and John. He gave a private testimony of his actions and views to them so that they might understand the situation thoroughly before it became a matter of public discussion. Paul does not tell us why he met with the leaders separately, but it is quite possible that he did this so that he could explain his position without the inevitable arguing that would have ensued from the former Pharisees who wanted to impose the Law on all Christians. Paul took this opportunity to share his preaching of the gospel to the Gentiles so that the leaders of the church in Jerusalem could see that even without the weighty requirements of the Law the gospel was effective and the church was growing both is size and in spiritual maturity. And, it appears that Paul was effective in his explanation, for the leaders of the church in Jerusalem eventually supported his position.


Sometimes it is more effective to make your ideas on church matters known directly to the leadership privately, leaving it in their hands to carry the idea forward, than to have a big argument in a meeting of the entire assembly.

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2007 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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