Galatians 3:29 – God’s Heirs

Ministry of Grace



Galatians 3:29

29And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.

Truth to Learn

We who have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior are now the children of God and have the right to inherit all the blessings promised to Abraham

Behind the Words

The word translated “Christ’s” is “christou.” This noun is in the genitive case which means that it is to be translated as of Christ or from Christ. In Greek this is the form of a noun that identifies ownership. What Paul is telling us is that we who believe God’s message about the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus now belong to Christ. He is our owner, that is, our lord and master.

The word translated “heir” is “klēronomos,” which is a compound word made up of “klēros” meaning a lot and a form of “nemō” meaning to have in one’s posession. In the Roman world, as in the Greek world, a lot was used as a manner of selection. The lots of several parties were properly marked or distinguished and put into a vessel which was violently shaken by one who turned his face away. The lot which first fell to the ground indicated the person chosen or preferred for the occasion. If a person had a lot, then they were eligible for selection. If they did not have a lot they were left out of the selection process. The word “klēronomos” has thus come to be used in reference to one who was eligible for distribution of an inheritance hence, its translation as “heir.”

Meaning Explained

Paul just told us that we are all one in Christ Jesus and we are each a child of God. This privileged position is the result of faith, not the accident of national origin, the preference of freedom or servitude, or whether man or woman. In Romans 4 Paul shows that Abraham was justified by faith, and was thus identified as the spiritual father of all believers in Christ, whether circumcised or uncircumcised. And in verse 16 he told us that the promises made to Abraham were made to him and his seed, who is Jesus Christ. Since we now belong to Christ, we belong to the seed of Abraham and have become an heir according to God’s promise and our faith.

Since we are now heirs of God according to the promise made to Abraham, we inherit the blessings promised to Abraham, and partake of the peace and happiness which he looked forward to. This did not happen by the obedience of the Law; it was by faith – in the same way that Abraham received the blessing; an arrangement before the giving of the Law, and therefore one that may include everyone who believes, whether Jew or Gentile. All believers enjoy the blessings of Abraham and we all are the children of God, and in the same manner, and on the same terms as Abraham was.

So What?

Do you now see why Christ taught his disciples to pray, “Our Father who is in heaven?” He truly is our father and we are His children who will one day inherit a place in His eternal kingdom.

Let us take a few minutes to pray to our Heavenly Father and thank Him for all the blessings that He has promised to us through faith.

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2007 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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