Galatians 4:16 – Truth or Consequences

Ministry of Grace



Galatians 4:16

16Have I therefore become your enemy because I tell you the truth?

Truth to Learn

Holding to the truth of God’s Word is more important than being well liked.

Behind the Words

The word translated as “therefore” is “hōste,” which is best translated here as so then. It is the first word in this sentence in the Greek, and it serves to closely tie the previous clause with this one.

Enemy” is translated from the Greek word “echthros,” which is from a primary verb meaning to hate. It is a very strong word used of someone who is strongly opposed to you, that is, someone who hates you. In fact, Christ used this very word in describing Satan as the enemy in his parable of the wheat and the tares in Matthew 13:39.

The phrase “tell the truth” is from the word “alētheuōn,” which is from the adjective “alēthēs,” made up of “a” meaning not and a form of “lanthanō,” meaning to hide. Hence, “alēthēs” literally means not hidden and is therefore applied to someone who is true or cannot lie. In the current verse, however, this word is used as a participle; so what Paul is saying, in effect, is “because I am truthing you” or “because I am being truthful to you.”

Meaning Explained

Paul has written this letter to the churches in Galatia because of a heresy which had begun to show-up in these churches. The basic problem was that some devout Jewish converts among the churches, perhaps former Pharisees, had been teaching them that they had to obey the Mosaic Law in order to secure their position with God. Paul, on the other hand, had taught them that their salvation and their continuing position in and relationship with God are wholly dependent on faith apart from the Law.

After they had succumbed to the deception of these false teachers, Paul had apparently communicated to the Galatian churches of their error and received back a report that they didn’t like him or his message. This was probably brought about by the false teachers themselves who claimed that Paul was the enemy of the church because he did not hold to the same doctrines that they taught.

But Paul’s message and style were always based on truth and love. Paul did not hold back the truth even though it may have been painful at times, and his affection for them is evidenced by the terms of endearment that he consistently uses for them. Regarding their current animosity toward him, Paul now asks the Galatian Christians, “Do you hate me now because I am proclaiming the truth?


Jesus said to those who held fast to His words, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free” (John 8:32). He didn’t promise them that the truth would make them popular. The world today doesn’t want to hear the truth of God’s word and Paul tells us in Romans 1:18 that God’s wrath will be upon those who suppress the truth. May we not be among them!

Let us steadfastly hold to the truth of God’s word and proclaim it without shame or fear and may God receive the glory!

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2007 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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