Galatians 4:18 – Good Zeal

Ministry of Grace



Galatians 4:18

18But it is good to be zealous in a good thing always, and not only when I am present with you.

Truth to Learn

We should proclaim the gospel message with zeal, but we must ensure that we only proclaim the truth.

Behind the Words

As in the previous verse, the word translated “zealous” is a verb form of “dzelos.” But in the current verse this particular verb is an infinitive in the passive voice indicating that it is activity done to the subject of the sentence which is you (implied). So Paul is saying, “But it is always good to be zealously sought after when it is in regard to a good thing …

Meaning Explained

Paul is once again using a turn of words to make his point with the Galatian Christians. In the previous verse he said that the false teachers were zealously pursuing the Galatians but not doing so for a good reason. He now says that it is good for someone to pursue you with zeal but only when it is for a good cause.

Paul may very well have given us a clue here as to the identity of these false teachers. At the time that Paul was writing this letter there was a group who had broken off from the Pharisees and organized into a formal party during the reign of Herod the Great (37 B.C. to 4 B.C.). This sect was largely responsible for the final rebellion against Rome from 66 to 73 A.D. The Jewish historian Josephus referred to them as the Zealots because of their fervent reverence for the Torah and hatred of non-Jews and Jews lacking in religious fervor. From around the time of the birth of Jesus Christ until the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D., the Zealots used hatred and violence to express their opposition to anyone who conformed to Roman ways.

Since Paul’s message was one opposed to the Jewish adherence to the Law of Moses, it is clear that he would also have been a target of their vehemence. And because of Paul’s repetition of this descriptive word (zeal), it is quite likely that these same Zealots were the ones trying to steer the Christian believers in Galatia away from Paul’s teaching.

Notice, however, that Paul does not attack the false teachers, only their methods. In fact, he declares that being zealous in a good thing is always good just as Paul was zealous in preaching the gospel. He tells the Galatians, in effect:

“I do not desire that I should have the exclusive privilege of zealously courting you. Others may do so in my absence with my full approval, if only it is done in a good way (truthfully), and if Christ is faithfully preached.”


We have a message of peace and freedom which we are to proclaim to the entire world. We should faithfully proclaim our message of Christ with determination and enthusiasm. But let us be careful that we proclaim only the truth as revealed to us in the Bible. Adding to the message, or spinning it in such a way as to make it say something that it doesn’t say, is simply wrong.

Instead of your way, do it His way, giving Him the glory!

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2007 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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