Galatians 4:20 – Loving Doubt

Ministry of Grace



Galatians 4:20

20I would like to be present with you now and to change my tone; for I have doubts about you.

Truth to Learn

Our message to the world needs to be concise and clear and it must be presented with the love of God.

Behind the Words

I would like” is translated from the Greek verb “ēthelon,” a form of “thelo” meaning to will, wish, or desire, implying active volition and purpose. In this verse the verb is in the imperfect tense. This tense shows continual or repeated action in the past. Hence, Paul is saying “I have been wanting to be present with you …

The word translated “tone” is a form of “phonē,” which is a derivative of the verb “phaō” meaning to shine. Hence, “phonē” has the meaning of a sound or tone given forth. According to the first century Greek writer and historian Plutarch, this word describes, “that which brings light upon that which is thought of in the mind.” It is most often translated as voice when applied to an intelligent being and as sound when applied to an inanimate object like a musical instrument.

The expression, “I have doubts” is from a form of “aporeō,” which is made up of “a” meaning no or not and “poreuomai” meaning to go from one place to another. Therefore, “aporeō” literally means no place to go or no way out. Figuratively it means to doubt or to be perplexed.

Meaning Explained

Paul is very much aware that the false teachers in Galatia have led astray those who were saved under his preaching and teaching ministry. It surely pained his heart to know they were being led into error and being turned against him. Paul had a genuine love for these saints, but he was also resolute in proclaiming the truth and challenging false doctrine. He has spoken in a very direct manner to the Galatian Christians and now expresses the fact that he has often wanted to be with them again.

Anyone who has sent an e-mail message which was misinterpreted by the recipient understands Paul’s feelings. A written message does not convey body language or vocal inflection, so it is difficult to ensure that the recipient is getting the message that the sender intends. Paul wanted to present a more conciliatory message to the Galatians, but he was perplexed as to why they would so easily turn from the simplicity of the gospel message to the bondage of legalism.

In the following few verses Paul will once again get very direct and forceful with the Galatians. If only he could have delivered the message in person, he is sure that he would be able to make them understand, and they would renounce the legalism that the false teachers were spreading.


We need to proclaim the truth of the gospel to all who will listen but we must do so with the warmth and love of Jesus Christ Himself. Keep in mind what Paul told the Colossians:

Colossians 3:17 17And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.



In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2007 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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