Galatians 6:2 – Weight Lifting

Ministry of Grace Church


Galatians 6:2

Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

Truth to Learn

The law of Christ is fulfilled by unselfishly helping others.

Behind the Words

Bear” is translated from the Greek word bastidzō, which is derived from the word basis, meaning a base or pedestal. It refers to the act of lifting a heavy object to set it upon the pedestal. Hence, it carries the notion of picking up a heavy load.

The word translated “burdens” is baros, which means “weight.” This word does not appear in any Greek writing except the New Testament. It is used here in reference to the load or burden of a heavy weight.

The word “fulfill” is translated from anaplēroō, a compound word made up of ana, meaning “up” (used here as an emphatic, meaning completely) and plēroō, meaning “to fill.” Therefore, this word literally means “to fill up” or “completely fill.” It is used here in the sense of completely satisfying the law of Christ.

Meaning Explained

Paul has been dealing with the problem in the Galatian churches where false teachers have been teaching that a Christian is not fully saved unless he or she also observes the Law of Moses. Throughout this letter Paul’s references to “the law” have generally referred to this law as given to Moses by God on Mt. Sinai. In the current verse, however, he introduces another law, which he refers to as “the law of Christ.”

In the previous portion of this letter he contrasted the works of the flesh, produced by the selfish adherence to rules and regulations, with the works of the Spirit, produced by humble, unselfish submission to God as our Lord and Master. Using this distinction between the flesh and the Spirit, Paul described a higher law in the book of Romans:

There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. (Romans 8:1,2)

Paul has just told the Galatians, that they are to assist a fellow Christian who has stumbled by gently restoring him or her in a humble, loving way. Paul now takes that notion one step further by telling the Galatians (and us) that not only should we help them get back on the path, but we should also pick-up part of their load. In doing so, we fulfill that higher law of Christ, which is based on selfless love for others.


As Christians we are to hate sin and love righteousness. We must take caution, however, that we hate the sin and not the sinner. When we see a brother or sister in Christ sinning, our first reaction should be to gently and lovingly restore them to full fellowship with our Heavenly Father. But we shouldn’t stop there! If we truly love our neighbor as our self (Galatians 5:14) then we need to take the next step by discovering what kind of a load they are being weighed down with, and assisting them with the load in whatever manner we can.


In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2008 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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