Galatians 6:10 – Time For Sowing

Ministry of Grace Church

Galatians 6:10

Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.

Truth to Learn

Doing good deeds for others, especially other Christians, should not be an occasional event, it should be continual.

Behind the Words

There are two Greek words here which are together translated as “Therefore.” They are ara oun. The Greek word oun is a conjunction meaning that “one thing follows from the other.” The word ara means “therefore” or “in conclusion.” So, what Paul is saying is “In conclusion to what has just been said, it follows that …”

Opportunity” is translated from kairos, a form of which we saw in the previous verse. This refers to “a season” or “an opportunity.”

The expression “let us do” is translated from ergadzomai, meaning “work” or “labor.” It is a reference to not just accomplishing something but to putting a lot of effort into accomplishing it. This word is used here in the subjunctive mood indicating that, “we should work at doing good to all.”

Household” is translated from oikeios, which is taken from oikos, meaning house. It refers to those who share the same house or those who belong to a specific household.

Meaning Explained

In verse seven Paul began using the analogy of works being equated to a farmer sowing seeds. Fleshly works will produce fleshly (rotting) results and spiritual works will produce eternal, spiritual results. In the previous verse Paul told us that we should not be discouraged as we are doing good deeds because at the appropriate time (season) we will reap that which we have sown.

Now he tells us that the season for sowing our good seeds (doing good works) is whenever we have the opportunity. Any farmer knows that only seeds which are sown during the proper season will fully develop and ripen into good crops. But works of goodness are spiritual seeds which can be sown whenever we have an opportunity to do so. We don’t have to wait for just the right time to help a stumbling brother with the burden he is carrying. We don’t have to wait until the right week of the year before we share our financial blessings with those who teach us the truths of God’s Word. Any opportunity to do good for others is a good time and is capable of producing fruit which will last for eternity.

Paul tells us that this is especially true with regard to other Christians. Certainly, we should look for opportunities to do good for any other member of the human race, but we should be particularly on the lookout for ways in which we can do good for a brother or sister in the faith. The family of God, the household of faith, should be a special emphasis of ours as we look for good things to do for others.


Our adversary, the Devil, and the entire world system which is under his control, are constantly battling against us. And, our own sin nature is continually dragging us down. Let us, therefore, offer assistance to one another. Let us share the load and share the blessings. This is pleasing to God!

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2008 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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