Galatians 6:12 – All For Show

Ministry of Grace Church

Galatians 6:12

As many as desire to make a good showing in the flesh, these would compel you to be circumcised, only that they may not suffer persecution for the cross of Christ.

Truth to Learn

Outward show and ritualistic practices are hollow and worthless.

Behind the Words

“Desire” is translated from the verb thelō, which means “to will, wish, or desire, implying active volition and purpose.” This word means more than desire. It carries the idea desire in action, hence it is often translated as “determine” or “choose.”

The expression “make a good showing” is translated from the Greek word euprosōpeō. This is a compound word made up of eu, meaning “good” or “well,” and prosōpon, which literally means “toward the eyes” but has the general meaning of “face.” So, euprosōpeō means “to have a good face” or “to look good.”

The  word “compel” is translated from anangkadzō, which means “to force or compel by external violence.” This verb is written in the present tense, active voice, indicative mood, which implies present ongoing action. Hence, it could be translated as “they are compelling you.”

Meaning Explained

This verse and the next verse are closely tied together. In this one, Paul talks about what the false teachers are forcing on the Galatian believers which is then contrasted with the actual practices of these teachers. This is given here to show how different the false teachers are than Paul who just showed that he would go the extra mile for them by writing part of this letter himself.

These false teachers, like the Pharisees of Jesus’ day, were more interested in outward show and appearance than they were in personal piety. They were determined to look good to others (probably Jews) and for this reason were pressuring the Galatian Christians to become circumcised. The reason for this, Paul tells us, is so that they would not suffer persecution for the cause of Christ. Apparently, these false teachers were afraid of what the local Jews would say about them, and do to them, if they fully embraced the Christian faith. They were more concerned about their own personal comfort and ease than they were in serving others. They were more interested in avoiding personal criticism and persecution than they were in building up the body of Christ.

Jesus called the Pharisees of his day whitewashed tombs because they maintained the appearance of godliness while inside they were spiritually dead. Paul is now making the same claim about the false teachers who were seducing the Galatians into self-serving showmanship rather than faith in action.


How many things do we do as simply ritualistic observances? Things such as saying the same memorized prayer at mealtime, singing the same song every time the offering is presented at church, or even bowing the knee at the proper times and places are all rituals, which have the appearance of godliness without any real spiritual value.

Instead, we should, like Paul, sacrifice our own comfort and freedoms in order to enrich the lives of others, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and master.

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2008 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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