Galatians 6:14 – Brag About Losing

Ministry of Grace Church


Galatians 6:14

But God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.

Truth to Learn

It is not foolish to give up all that could be gained in this world to gain all that God has to give.

Behind the Words

God forbid” is translated from the Greek words me genoito. This expression literally translates into “may it not be.” In the current vernacular we might say, “No way!” It is used by Paul as an expression of extreme abhorrence.

The title “our Lord Jesus Christ” is one that we hear and use so often that we tend to gloss over the significance of it. As written here, it is “the Lord of us, Jesus Christ.” The emphasis of the expression is on the word Lord which is translated from kurios, meaning “lord, master, or owner.” It is derived from the word kuros, which means “might or power.” Hence, it is used of someone who has power over someone else. In this case it is a reference to the one who now owns us and has absolute power over us. Anyone who has accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior has given himself or herself, body, soul, and spirit, to Jesus Christ. He now is our owner, master, and Lord!

The word translated “crucified” is a form of stauroō, which comes from stauros, meaning “a pole on which a person is impaled, or a pole with a cross-piece onto which a person is nailed and hung until dead.” The purpose of a crucifixion is death with the most agonizing suffering possible.

Meaning Explained

Paul has just told the Galatians that the false teachers there only want the Christians in Galatia to be in bondage to the law so that they (the false teachers) can brag about the Galatians’ subjection to the law. They were not at all interested in the welfare of the Christians, just their own bragging rights. Paul, on the other hand, has repeatedly demonstrated to the Galatians that he truly cares for them and is looking-out for their best interests.

In light of his accusation that the false teachers only want to brag about them, Paul now tells them that the only thing that he cares to brag about is the cross. The significance of this is the fact that crucifixion was used, not only as an instrument of death and torture, but as an instrument of humiliation and abasement. Anyone who was crucified was seen as the most shameful of persons. Hence, Christians who hold up the cross in reverence were seen as the lowest of society following a shamed common criminal.

Paul, on the other hand, sees reason to boast in the cross and willingly submits himself to the Christ (anointed one) of the cross. He has, in fact, laid aside all the attractions of this world by figuratively nailing them to the cross, considering them as dead and shameful compared to his Lord.



Do you know that you are a sinner? Have you accepted the blood of Jesus as payment for your sins? Have you given all of your rights and expectations to Him as your Lord and Master? If so, then you can boast in the cross and count all worldly gain as worthless.

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2008 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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