Galatians 6:18 – Grace!

Ministry of Grace Church


Galatians 6:18

Brethren, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen.

Truth to Learn

There is no excuse now for being caught-up in legalistic practices in our communion with and worship of God.

Behind the Words

The word translated “grace” is the Greek noun charis, which comes from the verb chairō, meaning “to rejoice.” The noun refers to “a favor done without expectation of return which causes joy, pleasure, or gratification.” Specifically, it refers to the absolutely free expression of the loving kindness of God to men, finding its only motive in the bounty and benevolence of God. It is sometimes expressed as unearned or unmerited favor.

Meaning Explained

Paul has used great wisdom and knowledge given him by God to lay out very clearly the fact that salvation is by God’s grace alone. He has shown that the acquiring, securing, or preserving of our salvation has everything to do with God’s grace and nothing to do with our actions or obedience. He has been specifically pointed in his remarks against the teaching that circumcision, or any other formal observance of the law, is required for salvation.

Based on the clarity, thoroughness, and force of Paul’s arguments, one would expect that this issue would have been settled for the church once and for all. Unfortunately, history has proven otherwise. Legalism is alive and well within our churches today like never before. Sunday after Sunday, messages are proclaimed from pulpits around the world declaring that confirmation, baptism, church membership, and/or obedience to a set of rules are necessary for salvation, that the law is the believer’s rule of life, and that we are saved by faith but kept by works.

Surely we can all see the trappings of Judaism, which have been brought over into Christianity through a humanly ordained priesthood, with its distinctive clothing and isolation from common Christians. We also see it in church buildings patterned after the Old Testament temple with their elaborate and costly decorations and a church calendar supporting and even enforcing observances, feasts, and fasts.

Some of the modern day legalists even go so far as to declare that there is a difference between the ceremonial law, which they say we needn’t keep, and the moral law contained in the Ten Commandments, which they say we must keep if we are to truly be saved. In contrast to this, Paul refers to the Ten Commandments as “a ministry of death” in 2 Corinthians 3:7. Paul makes it quite clear that legalistic observances produce death, whereas the grace of God alone produces eternal life.


Instead of trying to please God with our works of obedience, let us simply humble ourselves before Him who knows us better than we know ourselves. Let us commit to serving our Lord and Master in the way He leads rather than the way we want. Let us listen intently to Him through regular reading and studying of His Word and through constant prayer, confessing our sins and seeking His guidance in all areas of our lives.

And, above all, let us seek praise and glory for Him alone!

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2008 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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