1 Peter 4:12 – Christian Suffering, Not Unusual

1 Peter 4:12

Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you;

Truth to Learn

Christians have suffered for their faith throughout history. Therefore, don’t think it strange if it happens to you.

Behind the Words

The expression “do not think it strange” comes from two Greek words, and a form of xenidzo. means “not” and the verb zenidzo means “to think of something as strange.” This verb is expressed in the imperative mood, indicating a command.

The words “fiery trial” are translated from purōsis, which refers specifically to “the act of smelting metals.” Figuratively, it refers to any time of intense trial.

Which is to try you” is translated from peirasmon humin ginomenē. The word peirasmon refers to “a trial or temptation,” that is, “a time of testing.” The word humin means “you (plural).” And ginomenē is the present participle of the verb meaning “to begin” or “to come about.” Hence, this expression can be translated as “a trying time which is currently coming upon you.”

Meaning Explained

Peter now returns again to the theme that he has been repeating throughout this letter, suffering for righteousness sake. It is true that the Christians in the early church suffered persecution repeatedly at the hands of jealous Jews and tyrannical Roman rulers. But members of the Church have suffered persecution throughout history. In fact, there have been few times in history when the church has not suffered persecution, so Peter’s message is relevant for all generations of believers.

Consider, after all, the spiritual warfare that is going on, and has been going on in the heavenlies since time began. Satan and his demons have been opposed to God’s plan and His faithful servants from the beginning. We sometimes think it a strange thing that we are coming under heavier and heavier attack from the humanists and secularist who want to get God out of our school systems and out of our government. But wasn’t this country founded on Christian ideals and values? Of course it was. However, that doesn’t mean that our enemy won’t do everything in his power to neutralize God’s influence. Actually, in this country we have had such religious freedom for the past 250 years that we think all of history has been like that. Not so, I’m afraid.

And, there are places in the world right now where Christians are being persecuted and murdered simply because they believe that Jesus Christ died for their sins.

The time is coming when, even in this country, Christians will be persecuted and caused to suffer simply for believing in the Creator-God and the sacrificial atonement of His Son. So Peter’s message is just as relevant to us today as it has been throughout history. Therefore, don’t think it strange if it happens to you.


Let’s proclaim the message of freedom and salvation, though it may fall on deaf ears, even if it means that we will be persecuted and suffer for it. And if you do suffer, don’t think it unusual, give Him the glory!

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2009 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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