Tag: catechism

Romans 2:18 – Biblical Indoctrination

Romans 2:18

and know His will, and approve the things that are excellent, being instructed out of the law,

Truth to Learn

Every Christian needs to study the Bible to learn its truths.

Behind the Words

Will” is translated from thelēma, which denotes “that which has been determined.” The word “His” is not in the Greek text, although it can properly be inferred since “that which has been determined” certainly refers to what God has determined.

The word translated “approve” is the Greek word dokimadzō, which means “to test something with the intent of finding good.” It is the word used with regard to a precious metal like gold when it is tested in fire to determine its value. In this sense it could be translated as “determine.”

Things that are excellent” is translated from the Greek word diapheronta, which means “those things which are different.” Since the intent of the verb dokimadzō is to find goodness or excellence, it is clear that Paul means that those who have been instructed from the Law are able to discern the things which are good or excellent as opposed to those which are not.

The word translated “instructed” is katēcheō (from which we get our English word catechism). It refers to “formalized instruction in religious doctrine” or indoctrination.

Meaning Explained

In the previous verse Paul began a message condemning pride. The early Christians, who were primarily converted Jews, were still hung-up by pride, believing that they were the chosen people of God. He has just said that the Jews “rest in the Law, and boast in God.” He now implies that the Jews know the will of God. By this, what he means is that they have the ability to know what God has determined through the Jewish scriptures (the Old Testament).

As we just saw in Behind the Words, Paul is saying that the Jews (because they have the Old Testament) have been able to test or to distinguish those things which are different. That is, they are able to discern which things are good or spiritual from those things which are evil or carnal. Why are they able to make this distinction? Because they have been instructed from the Law of Moses and the Prophets. They have had the Holy Scriptures to teach them doctrinal truths.

This verse and those that follow are ones that we as Christians need to give special heed to. Just as the Jews became arrogant because they had the Holy Scriptures, the Law and the Prophets, we need to be careful that we don’t get just as arrogant because we have an even more complete form of God’s word in the Bible. Remember what Paul said back in verse 13? “It’s not the hearers of the Law who will be justified, but the doers of the Law.” But in order to be a doer of what is taught in the Bible, you first have to know what the Bible teaches, don’t you? That means reading and studying. We need to be instructed in the doctrinal truths from the Scriptures!


There are many Christians who claim that they don’t like doctrine and they don’t like studying the Bible. However, if we haven’t learned the doctrinal truths of the Bible, we won’t know God very well, and we won’t understand His will for us.

How much do you study God’s Word?

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2009 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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