Tag: evildoers

1 Peter 3:16 – A Good Conscience

1 Peter 3:16

having a good conscience, that when they defame you as evildoers, those who revile your good conduct in Christ may be ashamed.

Truth to Learn

Having a good conscience allows us to be a powerful witness.

Behind the Words

The word translated “conscience” is suneidēsis, which is made up of sun, meaning “together” and a form of eidēnai, which means “to know.” The fundamental idea of this word is “knowing together with oneself.” Hence it denotes the conscience, that part of our being that knows what is morally right or wrong for us to do.

Meaning Explained

Peter has been talking about our attitude while we are suffering for doing what is right and has just said that we should be ready always to give an answer to everyone who asks you a reason of the hope in you, with meekness and fear;” The reason we should be ready to give this answer is because we are, in this case, suffering wrongfully; therefore, we have a good conscience. He goes on to say that even though we are suffering for having done good and there are those who will speak against us as evildoers and who will falsely accuse us for our good behavior in Christ as though it were evil, they will someday be ashamed of it.

The point is that we should always be ready to give the reason for the hope in us because our witness in times of persecution and of suffering and our patient suffering without retribution is the type of behavior that the world doesn’t understand. It appears supernatural to those who don’t have it and, in some cases, may be used by God to open the eyes of others in order to bring them to saving faith in Christ. It was Christ’s patient suffering that paid for all our sins, and it is our patient suffering that shows our own conformity to Him.

The Apostle Paul had this to say about suffering for Christ:

More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ, … that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death (Philippians 3:8, 10)

Do you want to know Christ as completely as Paul did? If so, you should be ready to suffer for it, and in the midst of that suffering be ready to testify regarding the hope that you have.

But whether suffering or not we should all be living a life that is a testimony to the One for whom we are ambassadors. Our manner of life should be such that others will see Christ in us, and when they ask us about it we should always be ready to give them a reason. The reason is Christ and what He did for us. The reason is a God who loves us so much and wants to have such fellowship with us that He provided a way for that to occur, if we will but humble ourselves and believe.


Most Christians in the western world today have not had to suffer false accusations and defamation just because they are believers in Christ, but there are many in the world who are undergoing such persecution. Let’s take a moment to pray for them right now that they might be good witnesses for Christ.

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2009 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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