Romans 4:15 – Legal Wrath

Romans 4:15

because the law brings about wrath; for where there is no law there is no transgression.

Truth to Learn

Trying to keep the law causes God’s wrath against us.

Behind the Words

The words “brings about” are from the verb katergadzomai, which is a compound word made up of kata, used as an intensifier and ergadzomai, meaning “to work.” Hence, this word means “to completely bring about” or “to carry out a task until it is finished.”

Wrath” is translated from the Greek word orgē, which is based on the verb orgēomai, meaning “reaching forth with the mind or excitement of the mind.” Hence, orgē expresses a violent passion either for or against something. However, it is most often used to express extreme anger or wrath.

The word translated “transgression” is the Greek word parabasis, which is a made up of para, meaning “beside” or “beyond” and a form of baino, which means “to go.” So this word means “to go beyond, to cross over, or to overstep.” It is most often used to indicate an overstepping of a legal limit. Hence, it usually means “to violate a law or regulation.”

Meaning Explained

Paul has just been talking about the fact that God credited righteousness to Abraham based on his faith, not on his keeping the Law. He even pointed out that Abraham’s righteousness came well before the Law of Moses (more than three hundred years before) and about fifteen years before he was circumcised. So, it is very clear that his righteousness had nothing to do with obedience to the Law. Now he makes another observation about trying to obtain righteousness by obeying a set of rules or laws. He says that the Law brings about the wrath of God because the Law actually produces transgression (the overstepping of a rule or a law).

Paul even goes on to say that where there is no law there can be no transgressing of the law. Adam and Eve are the perfect example. Before they were told not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they were free to eat of it, and doing so would not have caused them any consequence. But, as soon as God commanded them not to eat of it, not only was it now wrong for them to do so, but it became something that they suddenly wanted to do.

As a result of transgression (violating or overstepping the boundaries of the law) God’s wrath is produced because He cannot stand sin. Sin, and therefore anyone possessing sin, cannot remain in God’s presence because as a Holy God He must judge sin.

That’s what Paul is saying in this verse; that without law there is no transgression and therefore, none of God’s wrath. It’s actually the Law that produces God’s wrath.

But why would God give something to mankind (the Law) that would cause His wrath against mankind? That doesn’t seem to make sense, does it? Paul will answer this difficult question later in this letter.


It should be getting very clear by now that we cannot be right in God’s eyes by obeying a set of rules. In fact, the mere attempt to do so creates sin in our lives, which brings about God’s wrath. We can only stand in God’s presence as his righteous children through faith.

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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