Romans 4:24 – Imputed Permanently

Romans 4:24

but also for us. It shall be imputed to us who believe in Him who raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead,

Truth to Learn

Righteousness is imputed to everyone who believes in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Behind the Words

“From” is the translation of ek, which means “out” or “out of.”

The word translated “the dead” is nekros, which is derived from nekus, meaning “a corpse.” Hence, nekros means “a dead one.” It is expressed here in the plural. Therefore Paul is saying that Jesus was raised out of (from) the dead ones.

Meaning Explained

In the previous verse Paul told us that Moses’ writing about Abraham’s believing faith, and his subsequently being declared righteous by God, was not done for Abraham’s sake alone. It was also written for those of us who have also believed God’s promise and have been declared righteous because of our faith.

Having taken each of these verses and having slowly dissected them one at a time as we have, we may also have lost a little of the impact that this verse would have had on the predominantly Jewish Christians in Rome. You see, Paul has been very carefully showing these believers in the Law that it is not obedience to the Law or their being Jewish that has saved them. Rather, it is their faith. He has just proved to them that they did not earn their salvation in any way. Instead, he has shown them that their salvation, that is, their righteousness, came about only because God chose to declare them righteous when they believed in the resurrection of Jesus. This verse and the following verse are the ones that complete the irrefutable argument that Paul has been delivering. This salvation is completely God’s doing!

Also, according to Ephesians 1:13,14 Paul told the believers at Ephesus that upon believing (and being declared righteous by God) we were sealed with the Holy Spirit as a guarantee of our salvation. Here’s what it says:

“… hearing the Word of Truth, the gospel of our salvation, in whom also believing, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is the earnest of our inheritance …”

This is a significant point. Think about it. If God is the one who declared us righteous and as a result sealed us with the Holy Spirit who has been given to us as an earnest (a guarantee), then we can never lose our salvation because He can never take the Holy Spirit back from us. It’s like earnest money you put down when you offer to purchase a house; if you decide to remove your purchase offer, you don’t get your earnest money back because that was your guarantee. The Holy Spirit is our guarantee that God will complete our salvation as He promised. Even if He were to take back your righteousness (which He won’t), He couldn’t take back His Holy Spirit; that’s your guarantee! This means no matter what you do you can’t lose your salvation.


If you are a born again Christian then you have been declared righteous by God. You didn’t do anything to earn it in the first place, and you can’t lose it no matter what you do!

That’s security! And it’s eternal!

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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