Galatians 3:10 – Cursed Works

Ministry of Grace Church

Galatians 3:10

For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse; for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who does not continue in all things which are written in the book of the law, to do the.

Truth to Learn

Performing works of the law results in God’s curse. Faith and faith alone results in God’s blessing.

Behind the Words

Paul once again uses a play on words to make his point. In the previous verse he said those who are “of faith” are “blessed.” In the current verse he says that those who are “of the works of the law” are “cursed.” The expression “of faith” is from the Greek words ek pisteōs which literally translates as “out of faith” or “out of belief.” What Paul means by this is that their manner of life is build out of faith. It is the characteristic that describes how they conduct themselves. And those people whose life is characterized by faith are “blessed” by God or, as we saw in the discussion of the previous verse, are “well spoken of” by God.

Now, in this verse he refers to those who are “of works of the law.” This is a translation of the phrase ek ergon nomou which literally means “out of works of law.” In other words, their manner of life is built out of works of law, obeying rules to receive righteousness rather than simply having believing faith. These people, according to Paul, are “under the curse” which comes from the Greek, hupo kataran. The word hupo means “under” and the word kataran means “a curse.” So these people, instead of receiving good words from God, receive a cursing from God.

Meaning Explained

Paul now uses a quote from the Old Testament to show that doing a few good works does nothing for a person if they don’t do all the works of the law.

Cursed is the one who does not confirm all the words of this law. (Deueronomy 27:26)

What Paul is pointing out is that the one who tries to obtain righteousness by works of the law must keep the entire law. Now, we know that no one can keep all the works of the law, so anyone who tries to confirm or complete their righteousness by obeying some or all of the works of the law is cursed because it isn’t humanly possible.

The Christians in Galatia had been taught by the false teachers that they had to keep some of the works of the law in order to be completely saved. Paul has just shown them that keeping part of the law does no good. If they expect to receive righteousness by works of the law then they have to keep the entire law, and no one can do that!


Do you want to receive “a blessing” from God or “a cursing?” Living by faith and some good works does not secure God’s blessing. The only way to receive God’s blessing is to live by faith and faith alone.

Are you still trying to earn God’s blessing?

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2007 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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