Galatians 3:11 – Faithful Righteousness

Ministry of Grace


Galatians 3:11

11But that no one is justified by the law in the sight of God is evident, for “The just shall live by faith.”

Truth to Learn

The only way for any of us to stand before the Judge of all the earth is to be completely righteous. But none of us is righteous in and of ourselves. In order to be righteous in God’s presence, we must have already received the righteousness He offers us through faith.

Behind the Words

What does Paul mean that no one is “justified” by the law? The word “justified” is a translation of the Greek word, “dikaiountai” which is a form of “dikaioō.” This word means, “to bring out the fact that a person is righteous.” Remember what Paul said to the Christians in Rome?

Romans 3:10 10As it is written: “There is none righteous, no, not one;”

So, if none of us is inherently righteous (just) and no one is justified (made righteous) by the law, then trying to obey the law will never result in righteousness. Paul goes on to say that not only are we not justified by works of the law but those who would be just (righteous) will live by faith.

Notice that he did not say, “the just are living by faith.” In the current verse, the word “live” is in the future tense. Now there is a certain sense in which we are currently living by faith but Paul is saying that the just “will live” by faith. In fact, the Greek doesn’t really say “by faith,” it says “out of” or “from” faith. What is Paul trying to tell us?

Meaning Explained

Throughout the Bible it is said that there are two realms in which we exist: the physical and the spiritual. When we are born into this world we receive physical life, which will end for all of us when we take our last breath. Because of our sin nature, which we inherited from Adam, we are spiritually dead the moment we are physically born. In order for us to gain spiritual life we have to be “born again.” This is our spiritual birth. At that point in time we are adopted into the family of God and credited with righteousness. However, if you read the Romans 2 chapter, you will see that even though we have been declared righteous, as long as we are in this body we are sinners. When we pass from this physical life to the next we will all stand before the Judge and those of us who have believed God will be made completely righteous.

We “will be justified” — completely and eternally. At that point we will truly live as a result of (out of) the faith that we have in this physical life. That’s what Paul is telling us in the current verse, “the just shall live by faith.” Because we believe that the blood of Christ cleanses us from all unrighteousness we shall truly live in the eternal state and we will know the complete blessing of God.

So What?

In that day we will live, not because we belong to the right church, or keep the law, or follow a set of rules but because of our faith. Period!

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2007 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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