Romans 9:30 – Not Attained by Pursuing

Romans 9:30 – Not Attained by Pursuing

What shall we say then? That Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, have attained to righteousness, even the righteousness of faith;

Truth to Learn

Righteousness comes as a result of faith, not works.

Behind the Words

Pursue” is from the Greek verb diōkō, meaning “to actively and intentionally go after something.”

The Greek word translated “have attained” is katelaben, which is made up of kata, used as an intensifier and a form of lambanō, meaning “to take.” So in its root form this word means “to take aggressively” or “to seize with eagerness.” There is another Greek word that is translated “attained.” It is phthanō, meaning “to come suddenly upon something” or “to arrive at a goal.” Thus, we see that Paul is referring to the Gentiles having taken possession of a prize rather than having reached a goal that they were pursuing.

The word “righteousness” is from dikaiosune, which is derived from the noun dikaios meaning “one who does what is right or just.” The ending sune, makes it an abstraction, so it refers to “the character or quality of being righteous or of having obtained righteousness.”

Of” is from the Greek word ek, meaning “out of” or “as the result of.” The righteousness that is recorded in God’s book is not the result of any action on our part. It is the result of faith, believing God’s promise to us.

Meaning Explained

“What shall we say then?” With this rhetorical question, Paul begins his summation of this entire chapter. Even though he spent a great deal of time and energy making the case for God’s sovereign choosing (election), that has only been a supporting point of his argument. The main point is that the Gentiles have received the prize of justification (righteousness) without constantly pursuing after it, and the Jews, who constantly pursued righteousness, have not received it.

You see, the Jews had vigorously pursued righteousness by seeking rigorous adherence to the Law, but they did not obtain it. They believed they had to do something. They believed so strongly that righteousness came by obedience that they consumed their entire lives in being obedient to God’s commandments. The Gentiles, on the other hand, did not pursue righteousness but have now been declared righteous by God through faith. They did not pursue righteousness by doing works or by following all the rules; they simply believed the gospel message. Those who believe that Jesus is the Christ and that He died on the cross to pay for their sins are declared as righteous in God’s record book and only they will be permitted in God’s presence without condemnation.


When God chooses those who will be saved, He does not give them a magic formula of things to say or do. He gives them faith to believe His promise of salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ. This only serves to strengthen Paul’s argument that God chooses whom to save and He does so through the gift of faith. (see Ephesians 2:8)

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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