Ephesians 4:30 – Signed, Sealed, and Deliverable

And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.

Truth to Learn

All Christians are sealed with the Holy Spirit of God.

Behind the Words

Grieve” is translated from the Greek verb lupeō, which is derived from the noun lupē, meaning “sorrow, heaviness, sadness, or grief.” Thus, lupeō means “to cause sorrow, heaviness, sadness, or grief.” It is expressed here in the imperative mood (a command) with the negative particle . It is also in the present tense and active voice, so it could be translated as “stop grieving!”

The words “you were sealed” are from the verb sphragidzō, which means “to stamp or seal with a signet or private mark.” The purpose of the seal was to show ownership and to prevent any unauthorized access or change to the contents. The word is expressed here in the aorist tense, indicating action completed in the past as a single event (not a process).

Redemption” is from apolutrōsis. This is made up of apo, meaning “from” or “away from” and a form of lutroō, meaning “to pay a ransom.” Therefore, apolutrōsis refers to “the payment of a ransom to obtain a release from captivity.”

Meaning Explained

Paul continues his teaching about what it means to “put on the new man.” He tells us here that one of the characteristics of putting on the new man is to “stop grieving the Holy Spirit of God.” The obvious question is, “What kinds of things grieve the Holy Spirit?” Based on the grammatical construction of these few verses, it appears that the following verse (verse thirty-one) elaborates on what Paul means. It includes bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, evil speaking, and badness. We’ll cover these more as we talk about tomorrow’s verse.

Paul now tells us something about our relationship with the Holy Spirit. He tells us that we (Christians) were sealed by the Holy Spirit. In the Greek text is actually says that we were “sealed in the Holy Spirit.” Do you recall what Paul said earlier in this letter to the Ephesians?

in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory. (Ephesians 1:13b-14)

At the moment we believed God’s truth about Jesus Christ paying for our sins on the cross, we were sealed with the Holy Spirit. And, according to verse fourteen above, the Holy Spirit is our guarantee. When we got saved, God the Father sealed us by giving us the Holy Spirit. Not only is He God’s seal of ownership on us, but as our guarantee He can’t be taken away. And, today’s verse says we were sealed for (actually, the Greek says unto) the day of redemption. That day of redemption is the day in the future when Christ will present us to the Father as His spotless bride, paid for (redeemed) with His own blood. We are sealed with the Holy Spirit until that event takes place and nobody can remove or break God’s seal.


There are many Christians today who believe that they can somehow “lose” their salvation. Paul tells us differently. God is the one who sealed us with His Holy Spirit and nobody can break or remove that seal, not even you! If you are saved, you are signed and sealed – and one day you will be delivered.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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