Please pray with me for this ministry!

Please join me in prayer and fasting

As you may have noticed, this ministry has been inactive for a number of months now. The reason for this hiatus is deeply personal and, I must confess, perhaps even selfish. Over the past week I have sensed that God is about to do something special with this ministry. I have committed myself to prayer and fasting for the next two days to seek God's leading in the future of this ministry.  Please join with me as we seek His face together for the glory of His Name. 

In God's service, for His glory,

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One thought on “Please pray with me for this ministry!

  1. Good morning!  Just thought I would tell you that you and your ministry are in my prayers.  

    I trust that God will make you complete in every good work to do His will, whether it be through this ministry or elsewhere.

    Regarding this blog – I do miss your entries, but there is so much here that I haven't read, so I find myself coming back in my reading/research to read the associated blogs of whatever passages I am studying/meditating on.


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