James 1:16 – Perfect Love

Do not be led astray, my beloved brethren.

Truth to Learn

Seek the truth and do not let yourself be led astray, because God loves you with a perfect love.

Behind the Words

The word translated “be led astray” is a form of planaō which means “to cause to roam or wander about.” This verb is in the passive voice indicating action that is being done to the subject (my beloved brethren). Also, this verb is in the imperative mood, indicating a command. In the Book of the Revelation this word is used with regard to Satan, the antichrist, and the false prophet, leading people astray from the true faith unto idolatry (Revelation 12:9; 19:20; 20:3).

In the Greek text the word order of this verse is “Do not be led astray brethren of mine, beloved ones.” Paul is not saying that his Christian brethren in Galatia are beloved by him (though they surely are), but that they are beloved by God. The reason for this is two-fold. First, is the fact that the word “beloved” comes from the Greek word agapē which is a self-sacrificing type of love. This is the word the apostle John used to describe what God is in 1 John 4:9. The second reason is the fact that in the next verse Paul will talk about the gifts that are bestowed by God; gifts that flow out of God’s love for us.

Meaning Explained

James has just been talking about trials and temptations. In verse thirteen he told his readers:

Let no one being tempted say, "I am tempted by God"; for God is not tempted by evil, and He Himself tempts no one.

He then went on to inform us that the source of these temptations is our own desires which have gotten out of control. He now returns to his comments about God. Believing that God tempts us to sin is heresy and James wants to make a strong point of the fact that not only does God not tempt us, but He loves us and is the source of all good things for us.

When we go through trying times, it is easy to roam from God, to get “weary in well doing,” to blame God, and to basically quit trying. James is encouraging us to hang in there during such times, not allowing ourselves to be led astray, because as brothers and sisters in Christ we are all loved by God.

This epistle (letter) is clearly addressing all of us who have been born again and who are loved by God. This agapē love has as its focus the good of the one being loved. God wants the best for us. He is not a mean ogre who wants to trick us into sinning. After all, that breaks our fellowship with Him. He wants us to grow from our trials so that we will be more like His Son, Jesus.


I encourage you my brothers and sisters in Christ, in spite of whatever trials and tribulations you are going through right now, continue to walk facing God, keeping your focus on Him alone. When we are in the middle of trials one of the best pieces of advice we can receive is what James tells us later in this letter;

     Be humbled before the Lord, and He will lift you up. (James 4:10)

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2015 Will Krause. All rights reserved

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