1 Peter 1:6 – Rejoice in Adversity

In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials,

Truth to Learn

Even in the midst of difficult times we should be rejoicing that God has secured our salvation, forever!


Behind the Words

The word “rejoice” is translated from the Greek word agalliaō, which is a compound of agan, meaning “much” and a form of hallomai, meaning “to leap.” Hence, it literally means “much leaping.” By application, it refers to abundant joyful celebration. In the Greek text, this word is immediately followed by oligos, which means “much” or “greatly.”

The phrase “you have been grieved” is from the Greek word, lupeo which means “to be in distress” or “to be sad.”

“Various” is translated from poikilos, which means “variegated.” This is the word used to describe the skin of a leopard or the different colored shadings in marble. Hence, though the word “various” is an accurate translation, it refers to “various different kinds,” not just “a number of.”

The word “trials” is from the Greek word peirasmos which can mean “to entice” or “to tempt.” By implication it means temptations or adversities in general. This is different from the word translated “tested” in the following verse (dokimadzō), which means “to test or evaluate in order to ascertain value.”


Meaning Explained

Peter is saying, “In this new birth, which can’t be lost, and this guaranteed salvation which you have, you are greatly rejoicing …” He is not so much making a doctrinal statement as he is making a statement of fact. Apparently the people to whom he is writing had already demonstrated their rejoicing in their salvation and inheritance. And this is made even more noteworthy considering the trials that they were currently undergoing.

So what Peter is saying is that these people were rejoicing in the assurances they have from God in spite of the fact that they were currently undergoing distress or sadness from the temptations and adversities that they were suffering. It is clear from the next verse that they were not sad as a result of being tempted to do evil. They were saddened by the pain of the adversity they were undergoing, even though this adversity was causing their faith to be strengthened.

As Paul said:

For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, works for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; (2 Corinthians 4:17)



We all undergo adversities and trials in our Christian walk. One of the keys to peace and happiness is the realization that these are only temporary and they may result in even greater glory as we allow them to refine our faith and give the glory to God alone.

Are you undergoing adversities which are producing sadness in your life? Peter says, “Rejoice!”

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

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