Galatians 2:13 – Contagious Hypocrisy

Ministry of Grace Church

Galatians 2:13

And the rest of the Jews also played the hypocrite with him, so that even Barnabas was carried away with their hypocrisy.

Truth to Learn

Your actions have an affect on others in the body of Christ.

Behind the Words

The word, “hypocrite” is translated from, “hupokrinomai” which is made up of “hupo” meaning “under”, indicating secrecy, and a form of “krino” meaning “to judge.” Originally it meant to respond or reply but it later came to mean to inquire, distinguish, and get under the meaning of dreams (to interpret them.) Eventually it acquired the meaning to represent, act, or impersonate someone as an actor would. Hence it came to be applied to an actor playing a part or to someone pretending to be what they are not. That is the meaning that it has today, someone who intentionally appears to be different than what they really are.

Meaning Explained

In the previous verse Paul explained how the apostle Peter behaved hypocritically with respect to the requirements of the Law. Even though God had miraculously revealed to Peter that the Gentiles are not unclean and even though Peter had been part of the church council at Jerusalem where it was decided that the Gentile Christians were not bound by the requirements of the Law, he still felt the need to obey the Law himself, at least while in the presence of other Jews.

Peter knew there was no longer any requirement to separate from Gentiles and freely associated with them as long as there were no Jews around. But as soon as some of his Jewish friends came from Jerusalem, he no longer associated with these Gentiles. He was more concerned with what the Jewish brothers thought of him than what his Gentile brothers in Christ thought of him. And it is implied that these Jewish brothers who came from Jerusalem were Christians as well. So, instead of Peter being a good example to them, showing that fellowshipping with non-Jewish Christian brethren was allowed, even appropriate, he separated himself from these Gentile believers. He was being a hypocrite.

Because of Peter’s hypocrisy, he caused the other Jewish Christians to also behave hypocritically with respect to the Gentile believers. Peter’s influence was not just on the weaker brothers either. Even Barnabas, who has Paul’s companion on the first missionary journey to the Gentiles, was adversely influenced by Peter’s actions. How tragic!


Many Christians today are more concerned with what others think than what God thinks. Not only are our unsaved neighbors and co-workers observing our behavior, but others in the Church as well. We should be transparent, that is, we should act the way we believe. We need to be witnesses of God’s grace to everyone around us and we must do so in a way that will glorify God not bring shame to Him. One day we will all stand before God to give account of our actions. Not for our sins, these were all taken care of at the cross, but for our service to Him. If our actions are directed by what others think of us they will be burned up like wood, hay, and stubble. But if our actions are based on what God wants us to do they will survive the testing fire like gold, silver, and precious stones.

What materials are you building with?

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2007 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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