Galatians 2:14 – Walking Straight Footed

Ministry of Grace Church

Galatians 2:14

But when I saw that they were not straightforward about the truth of the gospel, I said to Peter before them all, If you, being a Jew, live in the manner of Gentiles and not as the Jews, why do you compel Gentiles to live as Jews?

Truth to Learn

Focus on serving God and giving Him the glory and your Christian walk will be straightforward.

Behind the Words

The word translated “straightforward” is the Greek word, “orthopodousin” which is composed of “orthos” meaning “straight or upright” and a form of “pous” meaning “foot.” Hence, it literally means “straight footed,” but it carries the meaning of walking the straight path and doing so in the proper or upright manner or “to behave in the proper manner.”

Meaning Explained

The apostle Paul is often bold and very direct, and there never seems to be even a hint of malice in his actions or words. Here we see him directly confronting the apostle Peter about his hypocrisy. Paul saw it for what it was and called Peter on it right there in front of Barnabas and the other Jews.

Peter and the others weren’t being straightforward about the truth of the gospel. Paul obviously views the term gospel as representing more than just the good news about salvation through faith in the shed blood of Christ. To him it includes all the truth about how we should conduct ourselves on this earth as children of our Heavenly Father.

Peter was a Jew by birth and upbringing, just as Paul was. He knew the Law and learned to obey it as a small child. Now that God has revealed the truth to Peter, however, he knows that the requirements of the Law do not apply to Christians. That’s why he is willing to sit and eat with Gentile Christians and, apparently, even partake of the same food as them. And Paul, putting the challenge to him the way he did, affirms that Christians don’t have to keep the Law.

In effect, what Paul said to Peter is, “If you don’t have to obey the Law anymore, why do you insist that Gentile Christians obey the Law.” You see, both Paul and Peter knew that Christ set us free from the bondage of the Law. Here’s how Paul said it to the Romans.

Therefore by the deeds of the law no flesh will be justified in His sight, for by the law is the knowledge of sin. But now the righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets, even the righteousness of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, to all and on all who believe. (Romans 3:20-22)

We are not bound by the law of commandments but by a higher law, the law of love for others. We should focus on pleasing God by doing everything we can to bring praise to Him instead of ourselves. If that is our constant focus then we will always be walking “straight footed.”


Are you still trying to please God by obeying the Law of commandments and ordinances or church rules that are inconsistent with New Testament faith in Christ? Or are you trying to please God and bring praise to Him?

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2007 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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