Galatians 3:20 – One Sided Agreement

Ministry of Grace

Galatians 3:20
20Now a mediator does not mediate for one only, but God is one.

Truth to Learn

The law of Moses was delivered through a mediator but we’re incapable of keeping our end of the agreement. The only way we can obtain righteousness is if God is the only one involved in the agreement. He always keeps His promises.

Behind the Words

The Greek word translated “mediator” is “mesitēs,” which literally means one who is in the middle. In this case it refers to one who is a moderator or mediator between two parties. And it is required of the mediator that he has the best interests of both parties in mind. In the previous verse this word is used in reference to Moses as the mediator with respect to the Law between God and man.

Meaning Explained

A mediator has to have two parties to mediate between, but our agreement of righteousness only involves God. We know that Moses was the mediator between God and man in delivering the law to the Israelites. The Israelites could not stand in God’s presence without being killed. In fact, they could not even touch Mount Sinai while the law was being delivered to Moses or they would be killed (Exodus chapters 19 and 20). Moses’ mediation was necessary for the delivery of the law. But, as we have seen in the previous verses, the purpose of the law was to show man how sinful he is, and as Paul has pointed out, Abraham was declared righteous by God long before the law existed.

The covenant, or the contract, between God and Abraham was all the work of God without a mediator. It was promised and reckoned to Abraham with God as the only party involved. It did not require Abraham to do anything in return. Hence, there was only one contracting party. And, if there was only one contracting party, and He made an unconditional promise requiring nothing from the other party, there was no need of a mediator. The fact that the law required a mediator implied that those under the law must keep their part of the agreement.

Paul’s point is this: with a mediator, both parties have to uphold their end of the agreement. With respect to the law, we can’t fulfill our obligation; therefore, the law can never be the means of righteousness. Righteousness can only come as a result of a covenant of promise executed by God alone. He will always uphold His end of the agreement.

So What?

We can’t make any “deal” with God in order to secure our salvation because, as sinners, we can’t keep our end of the agreement. Trying to keep the law to become righteous is futile because we can’t keep our end of the bargain. In the same way, trying to obey a set of church rules is futile. The only way to have a covenant of righteousness between us and God is if that agreement is dependent on God alone.

That’s called grace!

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2007 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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