Galatians 3:3 – Completely Saved


Galatians 3:3

3Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh?

Truth to Learn

Doing good deeds or obeying a set of rules does not complete your salvation. God has already taken care of that.

Behind the Words

The word in the current verse that is translated “being made perfect” is from the Greek word “epiteleisthe.” This is a compound word made up of “epi” used in this case as an intensifier and a form of “teleō” meaning “to finish” or “to complete.” Hence, this word carries the idea of completely finishing something so that there is no more left to be done.

Meaning Explained

Paul continues on with the thought that he introduced in the previous verse. And, he once again reminds the Christians of Galatia that their thinking in this regard is not very clear. In the previous verse his rhetorical question, “Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?” should have caused them to recognize that they were saved by faith, not by anything which they did themselves.

Now he asks them, “If your salvation began by faith and was the work of the Holy Spirit, is it now made complete by works of your own doing?” In other words, does salvation which is initiated by the Holy Spirit have to be completed by human action?

Paul is not suggesting that salvation is a two-step process, faith plus works. On the contrary, he is pointing out that just such a notion is foolishness. God does not need our help to complete something that He started. That which the Spirit of God began with regard to salvation He also completed. Once and for all.

Works of our flesh, that is deeds or actions which we do with our body, do not add anything to the work of salvation which God accomplished by His Spirit. The moment you believed God’s truth you were saved and the work was completely done by the Holy Spirit. There’s nothing left to be done. You are as completely saved as you will ever be. Not partially saved, not temporarily saved, but completely saved.

So What?

Are you, like the Galatian Christians, still trying to complete something that God started?

Do you feel the need to do something to make your own salvation complete or secure?

Are you afraid you might do something that causes you to lose your salvation?

Is your church telling you that you have to become a member of their body or adhere to a set of rules that they have devised to be completely saved?

According to Paul, you don’t need to worry. God has already done it all!

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2007 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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