Galatians 5:20 – Selfish Disunity

Ministry of Grace Church

Galatians 5:20

idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies,

Truth to Learn

Focusing on self produces divisive attitudes and actions.

Behind the Words

The word translated “idolatry” is eidōlolatreia, which is a compound word made up of eidōlon, “an idol” and latreia, meaning “to serve or worship.”

Sorcery” is translated from the Greek word pharmakeia, from which we get our English word pharmacy. It is from the Greek word pharmakon, meaning “a drug.” Since drugs were so commonly used in witchcraft, magic, and sorcery, pharmakeia was used as a reference to these practices as well.

The word “hatred” is translated from echthra, which refers to “a hostile attitude toward another” or “enmity.” It is also used to describe the actions one takes against one’s enemy. This word is in the plural in the Greek.

The Greek word eris, meaning “strife or contention” is translated as “contention.” It is used here to identify not just the strife itself but the love of strife.

Jealousies” is from the Greek word dzēlos. It is derived from the verb dzeō, meaning “to be hot or fervent.” It refers to “acts of zeal” in a good sense or “acts of envy, jealousy, or anger.”

The word “outbursts” is translated from thumos, from the verb thuō meaning “to move impetuously like the wind” or “a violent motion” or “a passion of the mind.” Hence, thumos refers to “violent outburst of anger.”

Selfish ambitions” is translated from the Greek word eritheia, which refers to works that are done for payment. The verb form is often used in the middle voice meaning things that are done to satisfy self. Hence, this word has come to refer to actions that are done with selfish intentions.

The word translated “dissensions” is dichostasia, a compound word made up of dicha, meaning “separately” and a form of stasis, meaning “to take a stand, usually against someone or something else.” Hence, this word means “to take a separate stand, thus causing a division.” This is one of the most devastating works of the flesh for any church body, often causing a split.

Finally, “heresies” is from the Greek word hairesis, which is a transliteration (a word moved directly from one language to another). The word actually means “a choice” but it is applied to those who chose to ignore the truth of God’s word and go their own way. It often leads to dissensions and eventually a church split.

Meaning Explained

This list is a continuation of Paul’s identification of works of the flesh. Whereas the words in the previous verse all have to do with sexual sins of the flesh, these all have to do with works of the flesh which are divisive to the church body. When we allow our fleshly desires to dominate our lives instead of submitting to the Word of God and looking out for the best interests of others, we cause irreparable damage to the body of Christ.


Is your church suffering from any of the symptoms described in this verse? Is it partly your fault?

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2008 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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