Galatians 6:6 – Shared Blessings

Ministry of Grace Church

Galatians 6:6

Let him who is taught the word share in all good things with him who teaches.

Truth to Learn

Consider the spiritual blessings you have received from God as a result of what you have learned from your pastor or teacher and share, in return, a blessing for them.

Behind the Words

The words “taught” and “teaching” are both from the Greek word katēcheō. This is a compound word made up of kata, meaning “down” but used here as an intensifier and ēcheō (from which we get our English word echo), meaning “to sound” So, literally, this word means “to sound down,” but by application it means to teach or instruct orally.

Share” is translated from the verb koinōneō, which is from the noun koinōnos, meaning an associate or a partaker. Hence, koinōneō means “to be a partner, partaker, or sharer of something.” As used here, it refers to the sharing and distribution of a material resource for the good of all.

The word translated “word” is logos, which refers to the written or spoken word. It is a reference not simply to the representative markings or sounds (written word or spoken word), but the thought or meaning of the word. This term, as is the case here, is often used by itself to refer to the Word of God, or the message of the gospel (see Acts 4:5; 8:4; 11:9; 14:25; 16:6; IThessalonians 1:6; Colossians 4:3).

Meaning Explained

Paul has been talking about assisting a brother or sister in Christ who has stumbled under his or her load. On the other side of this issue, however, is the fact that we should not be lazy and expect everyone else to carry our own load. We should all be working together on building up the church through the power of the Holy Spirit, making sure that what we do is not for ourselves, but for God.

Paul seems to make a specific remark, now, regarding those who receive the spiritual blessing of doctrinal teaching. It appears that he has been so harsh regarding the false teachers that he wants the churches in Galatia to remember what a blessing they receive from those who teach them good doctrine. James warns us not to all want to be teachers because God holds the teachers under special scrutiny:

My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment.  (James 3:1)

Paul also knows how much effort goes into preaching and teaching God’s truth and he encourages those who are the recipient of the teaching to share in material things those who teach. Just as we are all to share the gospel message with the world, those who are gifted to teach are compelled to share doctrinal truths with members of the church. Thus, as teachers share with us the bounty of what they have been given, we too should share the bounty that we have been given with them.


When was the last time you thanked your pastor or teacher for all the work they do? They freely give of their time and effort for God’s glory. What would God have you do today?


In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2008 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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