Galatians 6:7 – No More Lies

Ministry of Grace Church

Galatians 6:7

Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.

Truth to Learn

Fleshly works are not the way to please God. Only complete submission to Him and His will can produce peace.

Behind the Words

The word translated “deceived” is a form of planaō, which is derived from planē meaning “a wandering.” Planaō, therefore, means “to cause to wander” or “to lead astray.” Here it is in the passive voice, so it means “to be led astray.” It is also in the imperative mood indicating a command and it is preceeded by the negative article which represents relative negation. Putting this altogether, we see that Paul is saying “Stop being led astray!”

Mocked” is translated from verb muktēridzō, which is from the noun muktēr, meaning “nose” or “nostril.” The verb form means “to turn-up one’s nose in scorn.” Hence, by application it means “to mock” or “to deride.” This verb is in the passive voice also and is preceded by the article ou which expresses direct and full negation. Hence, Paul is saying that God is not mocked or scorned. Though men may believe they are mocking God, they ultimately never get away with it.

Sow” is translated from speirō, which means “to scatter seed.” And the word “reap” is translated from theridzō, derived from theros, the word for Summer or harvest. Hence it refers to the activity that is done at harvest time.

Meaning Explained

The false teachers in the Galatian churches had been leading the believers astray for years with their false doctrine that a Christian had to fully keep the Law of Moses in order to be completely saved. Paul now tells the believers there in no uncertain terms to stop allowing themselves to be led astray. It is a particularly harsh command on Paul’s part and is meant to get their attention.

It is a known fact that if a person is told a lie often enough and with enough conviction that he or she will eventually believe it to be true. This is exactly what had happened in the Galatian churches. Paul now tells them to come to their senses and stop believing these false teachers. The false teachers had been declaring doctrines absolutely contrary to God’s grace and were, in effect, turning up their noses at what God had declared to be true. That’s why Paul tells the Galatians that God is not mocked. What he means is that even though these legalizers think they are putting one past the Galatians and God, ultimately, they will be shown to be the fools.

These teachers had been sowing discord and lies, a religion based on fleshly activities, instead of one based on submission to the Holy Spirit. What they will ultimately reap is fleshly works and the lake of fire, not grace and peace.


If you find yourself still bound by church rules and regulations that aren’t clearly supported by Scripture, then you need to throw off those shackles and lay yourself at the feet of the Savior. Spend time every day reading the Bible and praying for God to guide you to His truth. Believe Him and He will!


In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2008 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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