1 Peter 4:6 – Dead, But Alive

For this reason the gospel was preached also to those who are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit.

Truth to Learn

The ultimate price to pay for our faith (giving of our life) may be what pleases God the most.


Behind the Words

There is a word that is left out of most translations, though is in the original Greek text, which lends meaning to the latter half of this verse. It is the particle men. When coupled with de, it produces what is called a correlative conjunction. The meaning is “on the one hand” (men), “but on the other hand” (de). Thus, the second half of this verse reads:

that on the one hand they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but on the other hand they might live according to God in the spirit.


Meaning Explained

Today’s verse is another tricky one so let’s look at it carefully. Peter starts out with the expression, “For this reason.” Peter is not referring to the thing just said, rather to the thing about to be said (the latter part of this verse).

The phrase, “was preached also to those who are dead …” is a somewhat debated expression that some believe refers to Christ going into Hell to preach to the dead spirits in prison (see notes on 1Peter 3:19,20). What this means instead is that the gospel was previously preached to those who are now physically dead (though spiritually alive). I believe that this interpretation is also borne out by the remainder of the verse.

Peter is saying that the gospel was preached in the past to some who are now physically dead; although, because they believed the gospel, they are spiritually alive. Therefore, they may have been judged by men and put to death for their faith and actions, but they continue to live spiritually (eternally) according to the judgment of God (they are declared righteous). This interpretation also fits in with what Peter has been talking about in the past few verses and seems to sum-up what he has been saying. And because it is summed-up, Peter goes on to another thought in the following verse.

There are many Christians who have been judged as heretics or as evil doers because they followed God’s teaching instead of what the church leaders claimed as truth. The Reformation is filled with such examples, and even in the early church many were put to death for holding forth the truth instead of the party line of the religious rulers. The Apostle Paul, himself, was responsible for such condemnation and martyrdom of believers before he was confronted by the truth on the road to Damascus.

Peter has been telling us that though we may go through suffering at times, even at the hands of those who think they are doing God’s work, we should take such suffering patiently just as Christ did when He suffered for us. And even if we are to lose our lives because of our faithful witness, God will be glorified and will be pleased with us for being faithful unto death.



Let us be faithful and suffer patiently. And, if we do suffer for being faithful, let it be because we are faithful to God rather than to ourselves or others around us.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

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