2 Peter 1:6 – Self-control, Perseverance, & Godliness

and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness;

Truth to Learn

With hard work we can develop a more Christ-like character.


Behind the Words

The word translated “self-control” (‘temperance” in some translations) is engkratia. This is a compound word made up of en, meaning “in” and a form of kratos, meaning “power or strength.” Some, today, equate this with refraining from the use of alcoholic beverages. That is not specifically what this word means. It refers to the ability to have “inward control.” In other words, controlling ourselves in whatever we allow ourselves to do in the sight of God.

“Perseverance” is translated from the Greek word hupomonÄ“. This also is a compound word that is made up of hupo (or hypo), meaning “under” and meno, which means “to abide” or “to remain.” This is a picture of a beast of burden that remains under a load in spite of the weight.

The word “godliness” is from the Greek word eusebeia. This is another compound word made up or eu meaning “good” and a form of sebomai, which means “to worship” or “to revere.” Hence, eusebeia refers to a person who is devout, pious, and fully committed to God.


Meaning Explained

Continuing on from the last verse, you will remember that Peter is admonishing us to apply all diligence, that is to work hard and work consistently, to developing certain qualities or characteristics in our Christian faith. In the last verse we were told to increase in morality and knowledge (of God and what He has done for us). In today’s verse Peter adds three more things that we are to work hard at developing in ourselves. Let’s look at these three things.

The first of these is self-control. I like the way that Adam Clarke described this word:

It is a proper and limited use of all earthly enjoyments, keeping every sense under proper restraints, and never permitting the animal part to subjugate the rational.

The second thing we are told to develop in today’s verse is perseverance. As we develop self-control, the temptation or pressure lasts longer and we need to continue to endure it, to persevere. Like a beast of burden, we are to remain under whatever load God has placed on us without complaining. It means patience or endurance with regard to situations or circumstances, not letting yourself lose control or lose faith.

The third thing we are to develop is godliness. As we learn to persevere, we experience more of the unfaltering love that God has for us. From this personal experience we become more devout and committed to Him. This godliness refers not just to the outward show of piety, but loving and magnifying God in our hearts. This godliness begins on the inside with a deepened, total commitment to God and then evidences itself in all of our deeds and actions.



Self-control, perseverance, and godliness are three essential parts of any Christian’s character. And, they come not by simply letting them happen, but by diligent, hard work.

Are you up to the challenge?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

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