Romans 1:4 – Divine Resurrection Declaration

and declared to be the Son of God in power according to the Spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead, Jesus Christ our Lord;

Truth to Learn

Jesus was resurrected from the dead, declaring that He is God.


Behind the Words

The word translated “declared” is the Greek word horidzō, which means “to mark out the boundaries or limits, as of a field.” Hence, it means “to determine, constitute, ordain, or decree.” As used here it means to designate someone for an office or function or to declare that designation.

“Power” is translated from the Greek dunamis. It describes “something that is powerful.” It is the word from which we get our English word “dynamite.”

The word “dead” is translated from nekros, which refers to “a dead person.” It is expressed here in the plural, however. This, coupled with the lack of the preposition ek (out of) tied to the word “dead” indicates that the translation could be “of the dead (ones)” or “from the dead ones.”


Meaning Explained

Yesterday’s verse was one in which the Apostle Paul declared the humanity of Jesus. In today’s verse he declares the divinity of Jesus. This verse starts out with, “who was declared to be the Son of God.” The three persons of the Godhead determined in eternity past who would be the Father, who would be the Son, and who would be the Holy Spirit. Paul’s statement here is not a reference to that determination, but to the declaration of that determination. And, this declaration was done “with power.” The way in which Jesus was declared to be the Son of God was with a powerful act.

The next phrase “according to the Spirit of holiness” is not a reference to the third person of the godhead (the Holy Spirit) as may be implied by the capitalization of the word “spirit.” This expression is grammatically tied to the expression “according to the flesh” in the previous verse. So we see that Paul is conjoining the fact that Jesus was a descendent of David (demonstrating his humanity) and the Son of God (demonstrating his divinity).

Finally, the declaration of his divinity was demonstrated by a powerful act: the resurrection of the dead. However, there are several people in the Bible who are described as having been resurrected from the dead, including Lazarus and the widow’s son who was resurrected by Elijah. But these people eventually died again. Jesus did not. His resurrection to eternal life is the declaration that He is the Son of God. And because He is alive, we know that His promise of our own resurrection from the dead is real. The fact that He remains alive is our assurance that someday we too, will be resurrected unto a life that will never end!



There are many today who do not believe that Jesus was a real person. There are also many people who believe that Jesus was a real person, but they don’t believe that He is God. They deny that He was resurrected from the dead; therefore, they don’t believe the good news (gospel), and they are destined for an eternity in the lake of fire for their unbelief. But we know that Jesus did rise from the dead and He is alive today! That is the glorious message that we have to proclaim to all. He’s alive!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

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