Romans 3:4 – God is True

Certainly not! But let God be true and every man a liar. As it is written: "That you should be justified in your words, and you may prevail when you are judged."

Truth to Learn

God is true and always does what is right.


Behind the Words

“Certainly not!” is translated from the two Greek words mÄ“ genoito, which literally mean “may it not have come to pass.” I suppose in today’s vernacular we would say, “No way!” This is an expression used often by Paul when he wants to emphatically say “no!”

The words “let … be” are from the Greek verb ginomai, which is a verb of being, roughly meaning “to come into existence” or simply “to be.” It is expressed here in the imperative mood, indicating the force of a command. The way we express this in English is to use the word “let.” The phrase “let God be true” does not mean “allow God to be true” but “God is true!” or even “God is truth!”


Meaning Explained

Paul now answers the second rhetorical question that he posed, “So what if some (many) did not believe in Jesus? Does that mean that God is not faithful in saving His special people (the Jews)?” His answer is, “No way!”

He then enforces what he just said by declaring, “God is true, and every man is a liar;” Paul follows with a quote from Psalms.

This Psalm was written in response to God’s judgment David received through Nathan the prophet. David had lusted after Bathsheba, the wife of a man in his army and had committed adultery with her. When David discovered that she was pregnant, he had her husband placed in the most dangerous part of the battle where he was killed. Afterward, David took Bathsheba as his wife.

In his own heart David did not see anything wrong with this. But God did not allow David’s sin to go unnoticed. He sent the prophet Nathan to confront David. In response, David humbled himself before God. He recognized that God is righteous and truthful and he (David) is a liar and a sinner.

Against You, You only, have I sinned, and done evil in Your eyes; that You might be justified when You speak, and be clear when You judge. (Psalms 51:4)

Just like Paul in the current passage, David did not dare call into question God’s truthfulness or His righteousness. Paul’s point is that God is righteous and He always does what is right and true. Therefore, if some of the Jews who had been entrusted with the Holy Writings did not believe and were ultimately judged and condemned by God, then that was the true and righteous thing to do. No one can blame God if He condemns those who do not believe because He is righteous!

There are some who ask, “How can God extend His grace to some and send others to Hell? That’s just not right.” According to Paul, it is right because God always does what is right.



Oh, that we all would recognize the righteousness of our Holy God and the utter wretchedness of our own sins.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

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