1 Peter 3:6 – Sarah’s Example

1 Peter 3:6

as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord, whose daughters you are if you do good and are not afraid with any terror.

Truth to Learn

Sarah is Peter’s example of a wife who is submissive to her husband.

Behind the Words

The word translated “obeyed” is the Greek word, hupakouō, which literally translates to “hear under.” It is the picture of a student attentively learning from a teacher.

The word “lord” is from kurios which means, “lord, master, or sir.” It does not show Sarah as an abject slave of Abraham, calling him “master,” so much as it shows her as giving respect to him as the family spiritual head, calling him “sir.”

Afraid” is from the Greek word, phobeō, from which we get the English word “phobia,” which means “to fear.” This is the word used when we are commanded to “fear God.” It carries with it the sense of “to be in awe of” or “to revere.”

Meaning Explained

In the previous verses Peter has been talking about wives voluntarily ranking themselves under their husbands, specifically unsaved husbands, with the view in mind of being a witness that may result in the salvation of their husbands. The whole purpose is to minister for the glory of God.

Peter then gets very specific about the type of outward adornment that is appropriate for the wife, which is itself less important than the inner adornment of a humble and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God.

He then uses the women of ancient time as an example of this inner adornment and now cites Sarah as the supreme example of this type of spirit in her adornment and submission to God through her submission to Abraham.

Remember that Peter started this particular treatise in chapter 2 with instruction on how to be built up as a spiritual house. How we behave with respect to government, our own bosses, and even how we conduct ourselves within our own family are an indication of how we are allowing ourselves to be used in the construction of this spiritual building.

He finishes this section on the behavior of wives with a word of encouragement that by behaving in this manner you wives are demonstrating that you are the spiritual daughters of Sarah. He caps it off by saying that wives who behave in this manner are doing well if it is done in fear without alarm.

But ladies, if your husband is treating you in such a way as to cause you to fear him, whether he claims to be saved or not, then this verse is not addressed to you. You are not commanded to be his doormat and certainly not expected to take abuse from your husband, either physical or mental.


Western society today does not like this message. The message of the world is to stand up for yourself and do your own thing. If your “thing” is to be faithful to God and to be obedient to Him, then you women are to place yourselves under your husband’s authority. But, if you’re more focused on yourself than on God, you can ignore Peter’s message. It’s up to you.

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2009 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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