Tag: submissive

1 Peter 3:1 – Submission & Love

In the same way, wives be submissive to your own husbands, that even if some do not obey the word, they, without a word, may be won by the behavior of their wives,

Truth to Learn

Submission is one part of God’s plan for marriages.


Behind the Words

“Wives” is translated from gunē, meaning “a woman” or “a wife” (see Revelation 19:7).

The word translated “submissive” is hupotassō, which we have recently learned has the meaning “under rank.” It is expressed here not as a command, but as a passive participle. Hence, Peter is saying, “Wives being submitted to …”

The word “husbands” is from anēr, meaning “a man” or “a husband.”

The words “your own” are a translation of the Greek word idiois, meaning “that which is specifically one’s own.” Hence, wives are to be submitted to their own husband, not to just any husband.


Meaning Explained

In the middle of the previous chapter Peter began a theme of submission, “submit yourselves to every institution of man” and “servants be submissive to your masters.” The same idea appears in James’ letter to the church where we are instructed to submit ourselves to God (James 4:7).

Submission is a key in our battle against our enemy, the Devil. In each case this word refers to an act of our will, allowing our own wishes and desires to be subordinated to those of the one to whom we are submitting. This is contrary to our sin nature which wants to promote self. And, seeing self as number one is encouraged today through the messages being proclaimed by the word system, such as, “Do your own thing”, or “After all, I’m worth it”, or “Be you; do what you want to do.”

For a woman married to a godly man who is himself submitted to God, it may be easier to submit, though not always easy. For a woman married to an unsaved man or to a saved man who is not in submission to Christ, it is certainly much more difficult. However, Peter does not make an exception in these cases. He simply says that the conduct of a submissive woman may be the thing that God uses to reach her unbelieving husband.

Lest men think that this makes them any more important than their wives, let me remind you men that we are to be the spiritual leaders, able to answer doctrinal questions from our wives (1 Corinthians 14:35). We are to treat our wives as having great value (1 Peter 3:7). Twice we are commanded to love our wives with a self-sacrificing love (Ephesians 5:25 and Colossians 3:19) even to the point of dying for them, just as Christ died for the church. Incidentally, wives are never commanded to love their husbands in this manner. Men, this means that when you and your wife have an argument, it is up to you to sacrifice your own will and apologize to her for your inappropriate behavior, expecting nothing in return from her.



In God’s church, the body of Christ, men and women have different roles. Neither is better than the other. Neither is superior to the other. In a marriage, wives are to be submitted to their husbands who are to love their wives. Both of these actions are commanded and neither one depends on the other.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Peter 2:18 – Submit to Bosses

Servants, be submissive to your masters in all fear, not only to the good and gentle, but also to the crooked.

Truth to Learn

Submission to others is necessary, but not always easy.


Behind the Words

The word translated “servants” is the Greek word oiketēs, which means “one of the household” but not necessarily a member of the family. The Greek word for a member of the family is oikogenes. The Greek word that refers to a slave owned by his or her master is doulos. Hence, the word oiketēs is most commonly a reference to a household worker who does so by choice and gets paid for it. The fact that Peter uses this word indicates that this message is to all of us who have a boss. It means that we cannot conveniently side-step this command, claiming that it does not pertain to us.

Be submissive to” is the translation of hupotassō, which is a compound of hupo or hypo, meaning “under” and tasso, meaning “to arrange in an orderly manner” or “to rank.” It is a military term meaning to place in rank under someone else’s authority. It is expressed in this verse in the passive voice indicating action done to the subject (servants).

The word translated “masters” is despotēs (from which we get our English word despot), meaning “one who possesses authority,” “a master,” or “a boss.”

The word “crooked” is translated from the Greek word skolios, which literally means “crooked.” In reference to a person, it means “unjust” or “wicked.”


Meaning Explained

The words “be submissive to” are also translated as “submit to” in the following verses:

Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. (Ephesians 5:22)

Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. (James 4:7)

In these verses wives are told to place themselves in rank under their husbands’ authority and we are all commanded to place ourselves in rank under God’s authority. Here in 1 Peter we are told to place ourselves in rank under the authority of our boss and, therefore, do as he or she directs us.

Our God has established order in the world for the purpose of peace:

For God is not the author of confusion but of peace … (1Corinthians 14:33a)

For the sake of peace, He has established that we should all voluntarily place ourselves under the authority of others. And, we are commanded to do so, not only to a good and gentle boss, but also to one who is unreasonable or unjust. This is a difficult task for anyone who has an unreasonable boss, but it is what Peter instructs us to do.



Placing ourselves under the authority of someone who doesn’t deserve it is a difficult task at best. Anyone who has had a corrupt or incompetent boss knows how difficult it can be. Nonetheless, that’s exactly what God instructs us to do.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Peter 5:5 – Humble Submission

1 Peter 5:5

Likewise you younger people, submit yourselves to your elders. Yes, all of you be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility, for “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”

Truth to Learn

Submission is the key to life within the Body of Christ.

Behind the Words

The word translated “younger people” is neōteros, which is a form of neos, meaning “new in relation to time.” This could be referring either to more youthful members of the church or those who are younger in Christian maturity.

The word translated “submit yourselves to” is hupotassō, a word we have looked at before. This word means “to under-rank oneself.” It is the same word used of wives and employees who are to submit themselves to their husbands and bosses.

The expression “be clothed with” (some translations have “put on”) is a translation of the Greek word egkomboomai, which means to put on clothing. It is particularly used of an apron which is a symbol of servitude. This particular Greek word is written in the imperative mood, indicating a command, and in the middle voice, which means that it is an action which we are to do to ourselves. We are not to do it to others or have others do it to us.

Meaning Explained

Any verse that starts off with a connective word or phrase (therefore, wherefore, in the same manner, likewise, similarly, etc.) requires the reader to pay special attention to the preceding verses to glean the full meaning. This verse starts off with “Likewise” (some translations have this as “In a similar way”), so we need to see what this verse is tied to. Peter has just been talking to the pastors (elders), instructing them how to treat the flock under their care. They are to take on the task willing, eagerly, not as dictators, but as examples. This is a picture of humble leadership.

Now Peter turns his attention to younger ones in the congregation. Peter tells them that, in the same manner as the pastor is to exercise his office (with humility and submission to the Chief Shepherd), they are to submit themselves to the elders of the church.

Peter is telling the congregation that it is their responsibility to voluntarily submit to the authority of the pastor, having just told the pastors how to treat those under their care. This is further corroborated by the following expression, “be submissive to one another.” This is a beautiful picture of the Church of Christ willingly submitting to one another as situations dictate, recognizing that we are all subjects of the God of all creation.

Why are we to submit to each other in the church and to clothe ourselves with humility? Peter tells us, ‘”because God resists the proud (ones) but gives grace to the humble (ones).” Do you want to receive the fullness of the grace of God? Peter tells us that submission is the key!


Whether you are a church leader or a church member, it is your responsibility under God to be submitted to others in the Body of Christ. Members are to be submissive to the elders and the elders are to be examples by submitting to the Chief Shepherd.

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2009 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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1 Peter 3:6 – Sarah’s Example

1 Peter 3:6

as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord, whose daughters you are if you do good and are not afraid with any terror.

Truth to Learn

Sarah is Peter’s example of a wife who is submissive to her husband.

Behind the Words

The word translated “obeyed” is the Greek word, hupakouō, which literally translates to “hear under.” It is the picture of a student attentively learning from a teacher.

The word “lord” is from kurios which means, “lord, master, or sir.” It does not show Sarah as an abject slave of Abraham, calling him “master,” so much as it shows her as giving respect to him as the family spiritual head, calling him “sir.”

Afraid” is from the Greek word, phobeō, from which we get the English word “phobia,” which means “to fear.” This is the word used when we are commanded to “fear God.” It carries with it the sense of “to be in awe of” or “to revere.”

Meaning Explained

In the previous verses Peter has been talking about wives voluntarily ranking themselves under their husbands, specifically unsaved husbands, with the view in mind of being a witness that may result in the salvation of their husbands. The whole purpose is to minister for the glory of God.

Peter then gets very specific about the type of outward adornment that is appropriate for the wife, which is itself less important than the inner adornment of a humble and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God.

He then uses the women of ancient time as an example of this inner adornment and now cites Sarah as the supreme example of this type of spirit in her adornment and submission to God through her submission to Abraham.

Remember that Peter started this particular treatise in chapter 2 with instruction on how to be built up as a spiritual house. How we behave with respect to government, our own bosses, and even how we conduct ourselves within our own family are an indication of how we are allowing ourselves to be used in the construction of this spiritual building.

He finishes this section on the behavior of wives with a word of encouragement that by behaving in this manner you wives are demonstrating that you are the spiritual daughters of Sarah. He caps it off by saying that wives who behave in this manner are doing well if it is done in fear without alarm.

But ladies, if your husband is treating you in such a way as to cause you to fear him, whether he claims to be saved or not, then this verse is not addressed to you. You are not commanded to be his doormat and certainly not expected to take abuse from your husband, either physical or mental.


Western society today does not like this message. The message of the world is to stand up for yourself and do your own thing. If your “thing” is to be faithful to God and to be obedient to Him, then you women are to place yourselves under your husband’s authority. But, if you’re more focused on yourself than on God, you can ignore Peter’s message. It’s up to you.

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2009 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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