Tag: Master

Romans 14:4 – Household Rule

Who are you judging another's servant? To his own master he stands or falls. Indeed, he will be made to stand, for God is able to make him stand.

Truth to Learn

Chastening other Christians is God’s responsibility, not ours.


Behind the Words

“Servant” is translated from the Greek word oiketēs, which is derived from oikeō, meaning “to reside or to dwell.” Oiketēs refers to someone who resides, that is, a fellow resident. It is the word that was used to describe a household servant, typically one who was paid for their labors.

The word “master” is from the Greek word kurios, which means “one who is supreme in authority” or “one’s owner.”

“Able” is from the noun dunatos (the word from which we get our English word dynamite). It refers to “power, authority, or ability.”


Meaning Explained

This is one of those verses that none of us wants to have explained to us because we are all guilty of what Paul is correcting here. For centuries the Jews had been the keepers of God’s revelation to man (see Romans 3:1, 2); therefore they felt like it was their duty to enlighten others regarding how they were violating God’s laws. According to Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, however, within the body of Christ the Law has been abolished and Jews and Gentiles are one and the same.

For He Himself is our peace, who has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall of separation, in His flesh having done away with the enmity, that is, the law of commandments contained in ordinances, that He might create in Himself one new man from the two, making peace, and that He might reconcile them both to God in one body through the cross, thereby putting to death the enmity. (Ephesians 2:14-16)

Regardless of our backgrounds, all Christians are of the household of our Master and we are all his servants. We have no right to judge how obedient another servant is to our Master. That is a matter which is strictly up to our Master. When we confess that Jesus is our Lord, we are saying that we accept the fact that He is our owner and the supreme authority over us, and as our supreme authority we are committed to obeying Him in whatever He asks of us.

Now, there certainly are some things that we are supposed to judge about others. We are to judge whether or not a person is genuinely saved before admitting him or her into our fellowship and we are to judge them, and lovingly confront them, if they are blatantly living in sin. As to less weighty matters of obedience to our Lord and Master, it is up to God to judge, admonish, and chasten His servant-children, not us.



As a result of what we have learned in this verse, I have a two-part question for you. Are you judgmental regarding your brothers and sisters in Christ, and are you submitted to your Lord and committed to obeying Him completely regardless of how other members of the household are behaving? If the answer to the first part is “Yes,” then the answer to the second part is most definitely “No.” If we are totally submitted to our Master, then we will be loving toward our brothers and sisters, not judgmental. That’s what our Master wants from us!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

2 Peter 2:1 – False Teachers

But false prophets were also among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing swift destruction on themselves.

Truth to Learn

Beware! There are false teachers in the church today.


Behind the Words

“False prophets” is translated from the Greek word, pseudoprophētēs. This is made up of pseudo, meaning “false” and prophētēs, meaning prophet. The word prophētēs is made up of pro, meaning “before, in time or position” and phēmi, meaning “to tell” or “to proclaim.” Thus, the word prophētēs refers to someone proclaiming a message before it occurs, or proclaiming a message before (in front of) other people.

The word translated “destructiveis apōleias which is a compound word made up of apo, used as an intensifier and ollumi, meaning “to destroy.” Hence, it could be interpreted as “completely destructive” or “absolutely destructive.”

The word “heresies” is translated from the Greek word, hairesis. The verb form of which is haireō, meaning “to choose for oneself.” Hence, a heresy is not a God given truth, but a false truth chosen by the false teacher.

“Master” is from the Greek word despotēs, which refers to a person who possesses supreme authority over another. It is the word from which we get our English word “despot.”


Meaning Explained

Having just proclaimed the importance of, and the veracity of the prophetic messages in scriptures, Peter now gives us a warning that we need to heed, especially today! He tells us that in addition to the absolutely truthful and reliable prophets of the Old Testament, there were also those who were masquerading as prophets of God who, in fact, were not prophets of God. Peter says that there will also be false teachers among us, who will not just deny the truth of the Word, but they will teach destructive heresies.

He tells us that the false teachers of today are proclaiming a message that they choose for themselves rather than proclaiming the truth that God intended. And these lies (or mis-truths) will cause absolute destruction, not only to those who believe their lies but to those proclaiming the lies themselves as well. These false teachers will even go so far as to deny their master; literally the text says “disavow the master who bought them,” ultimately bringing destruction on themselves.

There are two things we can learn from this verse. First, we should not be teaching God’s Word unless we are sure it is the Spirit of God who is teaching through us. We who teach are under stricter condemnation if we do not adhere strictly to the truth. James warns us:

My brothers, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we will receive greater judgment. (James 3:1)

In other words, be careful, those of you who want to teach, because teachers of God’s Word will receive a greater punishment for false teaching and for leading others astray.

The other thing we all can learn from today’s verse is that we need to be careful who we believe. Don’t believe any teacher of the Bible simply because he or she claims to teach the truth. Rather, we need to make sure that they are teaching God’s Word and not their own interpretation of religion. The Apostle John said:

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see if they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. (1 John 4:1)



Are you searching the Scriptures to see if the things taught in your church are truth? Are you searching the Scriptures to see if the things taught in these daily Bible verse studies are truth? I sure hope so!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Peter 2:18 – Submit to Bosses

Servants, be submissive to your masters in all fear, not only to the good and gentle, but also to the crooked.

Truth to Learn

Submission to others is necessary, but not always easy.


Behind the Words

The word translated “servants” is the Greek word oiketēs, which means “one of the household” but not necessarily a member of the family. The Greek word for a member of the family is oikogenes. The Greek word that refers to a slave owned by his or her master is doulos. Hence, the word oiketēs is most commonly a reference to a household worker who does so by choice and gets paid for it. The fact that Peter uses this word indicates that this message is to all of us who have a boss. It means that we cannot conveniently side-step this command, claiming that it does not pertain to us.

Be submissive to” is the translation of hupotassō, which is a compound of hupo or hypo, meaning “under” and tasso, meaning “to arrange in an orderly manner” or “to rank.” It is a military term meaning to place in rank under someone else’s authority. It is expressed in this verse in the passive voice indicating action done to the subject (servants).

The word translated “masters” is despotēs (from which we get our English word despot), meaning “one who possesses authority,” “a master,” or “a boss.”

The word “crooked” is translated from the Greek word skolios, which literally means “crooked.” In reference to a person, it means “unjust” or “wicked.”


Meaning Explained

The words “be submissive to” are also translated as “submit to” in the following verses:

Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. (Ephesians 5:22)

Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. (James 4:7)

In these verses wives are told to place themselves in rank under their husbands’ authority and we are all commanded to place ourselves in rank under God’s authority. Here in 1 Peter we are told to place ourselves in rank under the authority of our boss and, therefore, do as he or she directs us.

Our God has established order in the world for the purpose of peace:

For God is not the author of confusion but of peace … (1Corinthians 14:33a)

For the sake of peace, He has established that we should all voluntarily place ourselves under the authority of others. And, we are commanded to do so, not only to a good and gentle boss, but also to one who is unreasonable or unjust. This is a difficult task for anyone who has an unreasonable boss, but it is what Peter instructs us to do.



Placing ourselves under the authority of someone who doesn’t deserve it is a difficult task at best. Anyone who has had a corrupt or incompetent boss knows how difficult it can be. Nonetheless, that’s exactly what God instructs us to do.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Ephesians 6:5 – Obedient to Masters

Servants, be obedient to those who are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of heart, as to Christ;

Truth to Learn

Christians are to be respectful and obedient to their bosses.


Behind the Words

“Servants” is from the Greek word doulos, which refers to “someone who, either voluntarily or involuntarily, is in a position of servitude to someone else and whose will is completely submitted to that of his or her master.”

The word translated “obedient” is hupakouō. In verse one of this chapter, we learned that this literally means “to hear under.” As used here it means “to listen attentively and obey.”

The word “masters” is translated from kurios, meaning “a person who is in a position of authority over you.”

“Fear” is from the Greek word phobos, which is related to the verb phebomai, which means “to flee from.” In Greek writing, Phobos has several nuances of meaning including: honor, respect, reverence, fear, or terror.

Tromos is the word translated “trembling.” It generally refers to “trembling of the body as a result of extreme fear.” When combined with phobos (as it is here), it is a reference to “great timidity or profound reverence, respect, or dread.”

The word translated “singleness” is haplotēti. This word is derived from a (a particle of connection or union) and the base of plekō, meaning “to braid together.” Thus, haplotēti refers to the characteristic of not being divided, but being a single unit.


Meaning Explained

In the Roman society in which this letter was written, slaves made up between twenty and forty percent of the population. Slaves were considered to be the legal property of their owner and they had no rights within Roman society. Most slaves were owned by individuals, but some were owned by the Roman people. Some of these public slaves did menial work while others did skilled office work such as accounting and secretarial duties.

A person became a slave in one of three ways: people who were defeated and captured by the Roman army, a Roman father had the right to sell his children into slavery, or a person could voluntarily surrender himself into slavery. In addition to bond slaves, there were household servants (Greek word oiketēs) who worked within a household but were not owned by the master of the house

The Apostolic teaching of the first century does not declare that slavery is wrong; however, within the church all members are considered equal. Paul’s teaching here and in Colossians 3:22 was specifically directed at bond slaves, but the Apostle Peter says the same thing to household servants in 1Peter 2:18.

Both Paul and Peter taught that servants and slaves were to be respectful and obedient to their masters, recognizing that they were under the authority of their master in the same way that all Christians are under Christ’s authority.



All Christians are to be respectful and obedient to those who are in authority over them. Whether your boss is kind or mean, honest or devious, being sincerely obedient to him or her is the same as being obedient to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Ephesians 6:5 – Obedient to Masters

Bondservants, be obedient to those who are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in sincerity of heart, as to Christ;

Truth to Learn

Christians are to be respectful and obedient to their bosses.

Behind the Words

Bondservants” is from the Greek word doulos, which refers to “someone who, either voluntarily or involuntarily, is in a position of servitude to someone else and whose will is completely submitted to that of his or her master.”

The word translated “obedient” is hupakouō. In verse one of this chapter, we learned that this literally means “to hear under.” As used here it means “to listen attentively and obey.”

The word “masters” is translated from kurios, meaning “a person who is in a position of authority over you.”

Fear” is from the Greek word phobos, which is related to the verb phebomai, which means “to flee from.” In Greek writing, Phobos has several nuances of meaning including: honor, respect, reverence, fear, or terror.

Tromos is the word translated “trembling.” It generally refers to “trembling of the body as a result of extreme fear.” When combined with phobos (as it is here), it is a reference to “great timidity or profound reverence, respect, or dread.”

The word translated “sincerity” is haplotēti. This word is derived from a (a particle of connection or union) and the base of plekō, meaning “to braid together.” Thus, haplotēti refers to the characteristic of not being divided, but being a single unit.

Meaning Explained

In the Roman society in which this letter was written, slaves made up between twenty and forty percent of the population. Bond slaves were considered legal property of their owner and they had no rights within Roman society. Most slaves were owned by individuals, but some were owned by the Roman people. Some of these public slaves did menial work while others did skilled office work such as accounting and secretarial duties.

A person became a slave in one of three ways: people who were defeated and captured by the Roman army, a Roman father had the right to sell his children into slavery, or a person could voluntarily surrender himself into slavery. In addition to bond slaves, there were household servants (Greek word oiketēs) who worked within a household but were not owned by the master of the house

The Apostolic teaching of the first century does not declare that slavery is wrong; however, within the church all members are considered equal. Paul’s teaching here and in Colossians 3:22 was specifically directed at bond slaves, but the Apostle Peter says the same thing to household servants in 1Peter 2:18.

Both Paul and Peter taught that servants and slaves were to be respectful and obedient to their masters, recognizing that they were under the authority of their master in the same way that all Christians are under Christ’s authority.


All Christians are to be respectful and obedient to those who are in authority over them. Whether your boss is kind or mean, honest or devious, being sincerely obedient to him or her is the same as being obedient to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

Romans 14:4 – Household Rule

Romans 14:4 – Household Rule

Who are you to judge another’s servant? To his own master he stands or falls. Indeed, he will be made to stand, for God is able to make him stand.

Truth to Learn

Chastening fellow Christians is God’s responsibility, not ours.

Behind the Words

Servant” is translated from the Greek word oiketēs, which is derived from oikeō, meaning “to reside or to dwell.” Oiketēs refers to someone who resides, that is, a fellow resident. It is the word that was used to describe a household servant, typically one who was paid for their labors.

The word “master” is from the Greek word kurios, which means “one who is supreme in authority” or “one’s owner.”

Able” is from the noun dunatos (the word from which we get our English word dynamite). It refers to “power, authority, or ability.”

Meaning Explained

This is one of those verses that none of us wants to have explained to us because we are all guilty of what Paul is correcting here. For centuries the Jews had been the keepers of God’s revelation to man (see Romans 3:1, 2); therefore they felt like it was their duty to enlighten others regarding how they were violating God’s laws. According to Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, however, within the body of Christ the Law has been abolished and Jews and Gentiles are one and the same.

For He Himself is our peace, who has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall of separation, having abolished in His flesh the enmity, that is, the law of commandments contained in ordinances, so as to create in Himself one new man from the two, thus making peace, and that He might reconcile them both to God in one body through the cross, thereby putting to death the enmity. (Ephesians 2:14-16)

Regardless of our backgrounds, all Christians are of the household of our Master and we are all his servants. We have no right to judge how obedient another servant is to our Master. That is a matter which is strictly up to our Master. When we confess that Jesus is our Lord, we are saying that we accept the fact that He is our owner and the supreme authority over us, and as our supreme authority we are committed to obeying Him in whatever He asks of us.

Now, there certainly are some things that we are supposed to judge about others. We are to judge whether or not a person is genuinely saved before admitting him or her into our fellowship and we are to judge them, and lovingly confront them, if they are blatantly living in sin. As to less weighty matters of obedience to our Lord and Master, it is up to God to judge, admonish, and chasten His servant-children, not us.


As a result of what we have learned in this verse, I have a two-part question for you. Are you judgmental regarding your brothers and sisters in Christ, and are you submitted to your Lord and committed to obeying Him completely regardless of how other members of the household are behaving? If the answer to the first part is “Yes,” then the answer to the second part is most definitely “No.” If we are totally submitted to our Master, then we will be loving toward our brothers and sisters, not judgmental. That’s what our Master wants from us!

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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2 Peter 2:9 – Lord and Master?

2 Peter 2:9

if this is so, then the Lord knows how to rescue godly men from trials and to hold the unrighteous for the day of judgment, while continuing their punishment.

Truth to Learn

If you’re a Christian, God is your master and you are his servant.

Behind the Words

The word translated “Lord” in verse one is despotes, from which we get our English word “despot.” It means “one who possesses supreme authority.”

Temptation” in this verse is from peirasmos, which means “a putting to the test.” This word is only used of people.

The word “judgment” is from the Greek word, krisis, which means “a tribunal.”

Meaning Explained

Peter now returns to his message about false teachers. In the preceding few verses he gave us examples of how God dealt with people who rejected His lordship just as the false teachers have. Now he makes a summary statement about this notion.

Before we look at it, though, let’s spend a minute talking about what it is that the false teachers have done wrong. The answer is back in verse one, “denying the Lord who bought them.” The root of their problem, Peter says, is that they refused to submit to the Lordship of the One who paid for their sins. Rather than believing that God is all powerful and able to do as He pleases, these teachers tried to bring God down to their own level.

This is nothing more than “big man, little god” theology that has been espoused by churches throughout the ages. It has been expressed in many ways, most of which sound reasonable, some of which are well intentioned, and some are out and out heresies. Whatever the case, the ultimate result is to draw people away from the type of relationship that God wants into the type of relationship that man thinks he wants.

One of the subtle points that Peter is making is that God is the one in control, not man. We are not able to control these false teachers, but God is able. That’s what these examples which Peter has just given us are all about. He now makes the summary statement that not only does God know how to deliver the godly out of temptation, but He also knows how to keep the ungodly from escaping. They will be judged and they will be punished!

It’s interesting that this verse does not say that God will keep us from being tested; it says that when we are tested God will deliver us out of it. He will deliver the Godly out of their time of testing, but He will not allow the unjust ones, those who deny His lordship, to escape the Day of Judgment. That is, the Great White Throne Judgment at the end of days where all the ungodly will be cast into the lake of fire.

The point is that these false teachers, who are teaching a theology laden with humanistic ideas and subtly denying who is really in supreme control, will eventually be judged by the Master himself.


God is not looking for eloquent leaders; He is looking for submitted and committed followers. He is the Lord and Master and He wants His followers to recognize Him as their Master and to proclaim this truth. Is that what you do?

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2009 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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