Romans 12:7 – His Gifts, His Choice

or service, let us use it in our serving; the one teaching, in the teaching;

Truth to Learn

We all have gifts to be used within the church, but God determines which gift or gifts we have been given.


Behind the Words

The word that is translated “service” is the Greek word diakonian, which is translated elsewhere as “deacon.” It means “one who attends to the needs of others” or “one who serves.” This is a gift of helping others who are in need.

“Teaching” is translated from didaskō, which is a causative form of the verb daō, meaning “to learn.” Didaskō means “to teach” or “to cause someone to learn.”


Meaning Explained

It is at this point that most expositions on these current verses veer off and begin to talk about the various leadership positions within the church (prophet, deacon, teacher, preacher, elder). Notice, however, that Paul is talking about the gifts that God has bestowed on the various members of the body. He is not (in these verses at least) talking about the gifted people. I know it’s a subtle distinction, but Paul’s focus is on the gifts provided by the giver (God) and how they are to be used for the benefit of the body.

In the case of the gift of service, it is the ability to recognize those who are in need and being willing and able to humble oneself to the position of servant to assist them. In my mind it is one of the most important gifts within the church but one which few people aspire to.

The next gift talked about is the gift of teaching. I am sure that we all have known people who can take the Word of God and open it up in such a way that it becomes clearer to us; someone who makes learning the history and doctrines of the Bible exciting and fun. This is a person who has the gift of teaching in the church. Remember that these gifts are abilities or talents that God has bestowed on individuals. The gift does not require years of education to use it effectively, although often the proper education will enhance one’s ability to use the gift.

According to Paul, these gifts are given to individuals in the church differently according as His grace sees fit. Some of us may have several of the gifts and some may only have a single gift. How many we have or even which one we might have is not important. What is important is that we make use of the gift within the framework of the church. If God has gifted you in a certain area and you are not using that gift within the church, then you are not using that gift as God intended. If you don’t know in what area God has gifted you, instead of asking God for a particular gift, learn all you can about all of them and ask God to show you the area in which He has gifted you. Remember, when you placed yourself on the altar, you turned over all decision making to God.



One day all Christians will appear before the Bema seat of Christ where we will receive rewards for what we have done with what God has given us. My prayer is that each of us will be able to look God straight in the eye and say, “Lord I have used what you have given me to the best of my ability to bring praise to You! You are worthy, O Lord!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

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