1 Peter 3:22 – Our Exalted Example

1 Peter 3:22

who has gone into heaven and is at the right hand of God, angels and authorities and powers having been made subject to Him.

Truth to Learn

The result of Christ’s patient, faithful suffering is exaltation.

Behind the Words

The words “right hand” are translated from the Greek word dexios, meaning “the right hand” or “the right side.” The use of this expression is of extreme significance since a person of high rank who puts someone on his right hand gives him equal honor with himself and recognizes him as of equal dignity. Therefore, this word when used as it is here means that Jesus Christ has equal honor and authority with God the Father.

Authorities” is translated from the Greek word exousia. This word is based on the word exesti, meaning “it is allowed” or “it is permissible.” Exousia, therefore, carries the meaning of “permission, authority, right, or power to do something.” Here it refers to those who have authority.

The word “powers” is from dunamis, from which we get our English word, dynamite. It refers to “power” or to those who have “power.” The expression “authorities and powers” refers to all, both earthly and heavenly, who have positions of power and authority.

The expression “having been made subject” is translated from the word hupotassō, which we have learned means “to place in an orderly manner under.” Hence, it refers to the submission of angels, authorities, and powers to the person of Jesus Christ.

Meaning Explained

In the previous verse we talked about baptism not being a means of, or requirement for, salvation, but rather an act of obedience demonstrating a faith that has already occurred. At the end of yesterday’s verse Peter stated very briefly what that saving faith is in,

the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Yes, our faith requires that we believe that Christ died for our sins, but the proof that He was sinless himself, the proof that He alone is God, is in His resurrection from the dead.

Peter now finishes that thought, declaring that Christ has gone into heaven and is at the right hand of God (the position of preeminence and power) with all angels and authorities and powers having been made submissive to Him.

Remember what Peter has been telling us. He has been saying that we need to be patient under suffering especially if it is the result of us being obedient to God. Here, Christ is given as the supreme example. The result of His obedience was exultation to the highest position in all of creation. Those who have been His enemies will cringe when they see His exalted position. Those who have willingly submitted themselves to Him will glorify Him.


Peter’s teaching here is, just as Christ was rewarded for His obedient suffering, so we shall be if we are faithful and patient during times of suffering. Are you suffering for Him today? Do it patiently and give God the praise.

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2009 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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