Romans 16:26 – Gospel Proclamation

but now has been revealed, and by the prophetic Scriptures made known to all nations, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, for obedience to the faith—

Truth to Learn

We all need to be preaching the gospel message.

Behind the Words

The words “has been revealed” are translated from the verb phaneroō, which is based on phainō, meaning “to shine a light on” or “to illuminate.” Phaneroō means “to make visible,” “to make known,” or “to show openly.”

“Prophetic” is from the Greek word prophētikos. This is based on the noun prophētēs, which is made up of pro, meaning “before, in location or time” and a form of phēmi, meaning “to tell.” Hence, prophētēs refers to someone who “tells truth before its time” (fortells) or someone who “tells God’s truth in front of others” (forthtells).

The word translated “Scriptures” is graphē, which is from the verb graphō, meaning “to inscribe” or “to write.” So, literally, graphē refers to something that has been written. The English word “Scripture” is based on the Latin scriptura, also meaning “that which has been written.” However, by tradition, the English word Scripture refers to sacred writing and specifically refers to the contents of the Bible.

“Obedience” is from the hupakoē, meaning ”to hear under,” that is, to listen attentively as to a teacher. It implies more than just hearing, it means to believe and put into practice.

Meaning Explained

Today’s verse is the second part of the closing benediction of Paul’s letter to the Roman church. As we pointed out in the previous verse, this benediction is basically a summary of Paul’s entire ministry. He proclaims it to the One who is able to set us firmly in place, that is to make our eternal life secure. And he says that this secure standing is accomplished through the preaching of the gospel, the good news about the payment for our sins by the blood of Jesus Christ. He also told us that this gospel message is a mystery that was kept secret since the world began.

But, this mystery is now shown openly to all nations. This revelation (uncovering of the truth) is now made known to all nations through the writings of the prophets. Until the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, these Holy Scriptures were entrusted only to the Jews and they did not proclaim them to the world because they didn’t understand the message of salvation through the death of the Messiah themselves. Now that Jesus the Messiah has come, has died, and has arisen from the grave, the message of salvation through His blood is being understood and proclaimed throughout the world.

The preaching of this eternal life-giving gospel message is not an option for Christians, it is a commandment given to the entire church by Christ just before He ascended. The result of this preaching is that many will believe by attentive listening.


Paul knew without a doubt what his ministry was: to preach the Gospel message to the Gentiles throughout the known world. We, too, are commanded to preach this message of salvation from the penalty of our sins. Are you being as obedient as Paul? When was the last time you proclaimed the gospel?

but now has been revealed, and by the prophetic Scriptures made known to all nations, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, for obedience to the faith—

Truth to Learn

We all need to be preaching the gospel message.

Behind the Words

The words “has been revealed” are translated from the verb phaneroō, which is based on phainō, meaning “to shine a light on” or “to illuminate.” Phaneroō means “to make visible,” “to make known,” or “to show openly.”

“Prophetic” is from the Greek word prophētikos. This is based on the noun prophētēs, which is made up of pro, meaning “before, in location or time” and a form of phēmi, meaning “to tell.” Hence, prophētēs refers to someone who “tells truth before its time” (fortells) or someone who “tells God’s truth in front of others” (forthtells).

The word translated “Scriptures” is graphē, which is from the verb graphō, meaning “to inscribe” or “to write.” So, literally, graphē refers to something that has been written. The English word “Scripture” is based on the Latin scriptura, also meaning “that which has been written.” However, by tradition, the English word Scripture refers to sacred writing and specifically refers to the contents of the Bible.

“Obedience” is from the hupakoē, meaning ”to hear under,” that is, to listen attentively as to a teacher. It implies more than just hearing, it means to believe and put into practice.

Meaning Explained

Today’s verse is the second part of the closing benediction of Paul’s letter to the Roman church. As we pointed out in the previous verse, this benediction is basically a summary of Paul’s entire ministry. He proclaims it to the One who is able to set us firmly in place, that is to make our eternal life secure. And he says that this secure standing is accomplished through the preaching of the gospel, the good news about the payment for our sins by the blood of Jesus Christ. He also told us that this gospel message is a mystery that was kept secret since the world began.

But, this mystery is now shown openly to all nations. This revelation (uncovering of the truth) is now made known to all nations through the writings of the prophets. Until the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, these Holy Scriptures were entrusted only to the Jews and they did not proclaim them to the world because they didn’t understand the message of salvation through the death of the Messiah themselves. Now that Jesus the Messiah has come, has died, and has arisen from the grave, the message of salvation through His blood is being understood and proclaimed throughout the world.

The preaching of this eternal life-giving gospel message is not an option for Christians, it is a commandment given to the entire church by Christ just before He ascended. The result of this preaching is that many will believe by attentive listening.


Paul knew without a doubt what his ministry was: to preach the Gospel message to the Gentiles throughout the known world. We, too, are commanded to preach this message of salvation from the penalty of our sins. Are you being as obedient as Paul? When was the last time you proclaimed the gospel?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2019 Will Krause. All rights reserved

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