Tag: peitho

Romans 8:38 – No One and Nothing

Romans 8:38 – No One and Nothing

For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come,

Truth to Learn

Our salvation is secure!

Behind the Words

The word translated “persuaded” is the Greek word peithō, meaning “to persuade or convince someone.” This word is in the perfect tense implying past completed action with a continuing result, but with the emphasis on the result. So, Paul is not saying that this may be true, or that he thinks it is possible, rather he is saying that he has been persuaded and he is now absolutely convinced that this is true.

Death” is from the Greek word thanatos. It can refer to physical death (the death of our physical bodies) or spiritual death (exclusion from the presence and favor of God). The base meaning of this word implies separation. Regarding physical death, it is the separation of the soul and spirit from the body. With respect to spiritual death is the separation of the soul and spirit from the presence and favor of God.

The word “life” is from dzoē, which refers to “human life.” It can refer to our physical life or to eternal life.

Angels” is a transliteration of angelos, meaning “messenger.” It is used in reference to any of God’s created spirit beings. The word “principalities” is from archē, which literally refers to “the beginning point.” Metaphorically, it is used to refer to the highest in position or power of the angelic beings. “Powers” is from dunamis (from which we get our English word dynamite), meaning “a powerful force.” It is used here as a reference to other powerful angels.

The word translated “things present” is enistēmi, meaning “something that exists now.” And “things to come” is from mellō, meaning “something that is about to be or to happen.”

Meaning Explained

Back in verse thirty-five Paul asked the question, “What shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?” We told you at that time that Paul would answer the question in a few verses. Well, here it is. This is the final explosion in his volcanic eruption of the glorious benefits of being an adopted child of God; in fact, there is so much here that it is spread out over two verses.

Paul starts out this verse with “For I am persuaded.” And what is it that he is absolutely convinced is true? That nothing can separate us from the love of God! You will notice that this list starts out with life and death. We cannot be separated by life or by death. The three words angelos, archē, and dunamis represent all of the angelic host, including faithful angels as well as fallen angels. It even includes Satan. Hence, no angelic being can separate us from God’s love in Christ Jesus. The list includes things that exist as well as things that have not yet come into being but shall exist some day.


We are saved by God and by God alone, and once we have been declared righteous (saved) by God, it cannot be undone!

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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